Why is it pronounced Ibitha?

Why is it pronounced Ibitha?

2 Answers By Expert Tutors. The "th" pronunciation of the letter "z" is how Spanish speakers in Spain pronounce the letter. So, someone in Spain would refer to the island as "Ibitha," even though they'll still spell it as "Ibizia." This would actually make it the original pronunciation.

Why is idea pronounced Idear?

3 Answers. In practically all dialects of (British) English, the word "idea" would generally be followed by an 'r' sound when followed by another word beginning with a vowel. This occurs essentially because it's a natural phenomenon of language to have some strategy for 'linking' words together.

What suggest means?

verb (used with object) to mention or introduce (an idea, proposition, plan, etc.) for consideration or possible action: The architect suggested that the building be restored. to propose (a person or thing) as suitable or possible for some purpose: We suggested him for president.