Why does Holden see Mr Spencer?

Why does Holden see Mr Spencer?

Holden decides to visit Mr. Spencer in the beginning of the novel in order to say goodbye to the teacher. Holden feels that he should say goodbye to Mr. Spencer because he is the only teacher that Holden actually liked at Pencey.

Why was Holden crying as he left?

Why do you think Holden was crying as he left Pencey Prep? He probably felt bad for getting kicked out of his schools over and over again, and he didn’t get to say goodbye to anyone. Holden also says that he is leaving Pencey because of a brain tumor surgery.

Why does he deny really knowing James?

Why does Holden think about James Castle when Phoebe asks him to name one thing that he likes a lot? Why does he deny really knowing James? He thinks about James because he is thinking about the cruelty in the world making him go crazy. It is a perfect example of how cruel people bully the weak people.

Why does Holden cry when Phoebe is on the carousel?

In my interpretation of the novel, Holden is crying at this point not because he realizes that he needs to move from childhood into adulthood (this realization came to him when his brother died), but because he realizes that soon his little sister Phoebe will have to move from her childhood into adulthood.

Why does Holden cry at the end of Chapter 7?

Holden cries because the seriousness of his school situation, his frustrating life, and his feelings of depression and loneliness all crash down on him at once.

Why did Holden have to leave Ernie’s?

Why does Holden leave Ernie’s? Holden leaves Ernie’s because Lillian is becoming annoying. He would rather leave then spend more time talking to her. Holden becomes unimpressed with him and leaves.

Where is Holden going at the end of Chapter 7?

Pencey Prep

Why did Holden cry in Chapter 23?

Holden is crying when he leaves his home at the end of chapter 23 because he has been crying internally since the beginning of the novel. Holden is obviously looking for something throughout the entire book. He is unhappy because he feels lonely and because he has a bad opinion of himself.

Is Mr Antolini a phony?

Mr. Antolini is the adult who comes closest to reaching Holden. He manages to avoid alienating Holden, and being labeled a “phony,” because he doesn’t behave conventionally.

Where is Holden headed at the end of Chapter 23?

Summary: Chapter 23 Holden leaves Phoebe’s room for a moment to call Mr. Antolini, an English teacher he had at Elkton Hills. Mr. Antolini is shocked that Holden has been kicked out of another school and invites Holden to stay the night at his house.

Why did Holden cry in Chapter 14?

Standing his ground, Holden refuses to pay Maurice more money, so Maurice pins him while Sunny takes his wallet. At this point, Holden begins to cry and accuses Sunny and Maurice of stealing from him, so Maurice pushes him. Furious, Holden calls him a “dirty moron,” prompting Maurice to punch him in the stomach.

Why is Holden so honest with Phoebe?

Holden feels most comfortable talking to his younger sister, Phoebe, because he feels like she is the only person who genuinely understands him and sincerely cares about his well-being.

Why does Holden talk to Allie when he is depressed?

He talks to his deceased brother named Allie since he never dealt with his death properly. Holden buried his sadness of his brother’s, who was also his best friend, death causing him to feel like he can talk to his brother.

Why does Holden say Phoebe lost innocence?

The way that Holden wears the hunting hat represents self-protection. Holden feels protected when he wears the hat and later on in the book gives the hat to Phoebe to keep her innocence and keep her safe.

Why does Holden call Mr Antolini?

Holden admires and respects him because Antolini is not only intellectual and perceptive, but he has a heart. When James Castle committed suicide, it was Antolini who carried his bloody, broken body all the way to the infirmary.

When Holden sees Mr Spencer?

When Holden visits Mr. Spencer in Chapter 2, his elderly teacher is housebound with the flu (“the grippe”). Despite his illness, Mr. Spencer gives Holden a warm welcome.

Why does Mr Spencer feel bad for Holden?

Spencer, a history teacher, knows that Holden has been asked to leave Pencey. However, almost immediately upon entering Mr. Spencer’s room—Mr. Spencer flunked him, which he did because he didn’t want his teacher to feel bad about it.

Why is Jane so special to Holden?

Jane Gallagher A girl with whom Holden spent a lot of time one summer, when their families stayed in neighboring summer houses in Maine. Jane never actually appears in The Catcher in the Rye, but she is extremely important to Holden, because she is one of the few girls whom he both respects and finds attractive.

Why does Ackley annoy Holden?

For instance, Holden indicates his awareness that Ackley behaves in annoying ways because he is insecure and unpopular, but instead of trying to imagine what Ackley wants or why he does things, he focuses on Ackley’s surface—literally, his skin.

Why does Ackley not like Stradlater?

Ackley didn’t like Stradlater because he embarrassed him. He told him to brush his teeth once in awhile. “The reason you’re sore at Stradlater is because he said that stuff about brushing your teeth once in a while. He didn’t mean to insult you, for cryin’ out loud.

What did Stradlater do to Jane?

The fight concerns the fact that Stradlater has gone on a date with Jane Gallagher. Holden starts to question Stradlater about what occurred on the date and he talks himself into a fury, imagining that Stradlater made sexual advances toward Jane, and possibly Jane responded to him.

Why does Holden not go down to see Jane?

One can tell he really liked her. Stradlater had a date with her. Why doesn’t Holden go down to see Jane? Holden got mad because of Stradlater’s attitude towards Jane Gallagher, and he started calling Stradlater a moron.

Why is Holden so worried about Stradlater’s date with Jane?

Holden is “nervous” about Stradlater going out with Jane because he knows Stradlater all too well. He respects Jane too much to think of trying to seduce her himself, and he hates to think of an unscrupulous phony as Stradlater taking advantage of the girl he loves.