Why do we avoid negative emotions?

Why do we avoid negative emotions?

Anger, fear, resentment, frustration, and anxiety are emotional states that many people experience regularly but try to avoid. These negative emotional states can create extra stress in your body and your mind, which is uncomfortable but also can lead to health issues if the stress becomes chronic or overwhelming.

Is one EQ or IQ more valuable than the other?

You need to have a brilliant IQ to be a good engineer, but to be a leader of engineers, your EQ matters more than your IQ. IQ is the intellectual ability to manage ideas, knowledge and thoughts. EQ is the ability to manage relationships with other people.

How do you develop positive emotions?

The good news is that while some people have EQ as a natural talent, for those that don't, EQ skills can be learned. People can learn how to interact more effectively at work and increase their emotional intelligence. To make this happen, an individual needs to be personally motivated to do this.

What does it mean to reflect yourself?

Self reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you study. To put it simply 'reflection' means to think about something.