
Why do letters get deleted as I type?

Why do letters get deleted as I type?

The problem was caused by you accidentally tapping the Insert key in the first place. The Insert key is mostly used to switch between the two main modes of entering text on a computer, Overtype Mode and Insert Mode. Want some more help with your keyboard?

How do I stop my computer from deleting words while typing?

Press the “Ins” key to toggle overtype mode off. Depending on your keyboard model, this key may also be labeled “Insert.” If you simply want to disable overtype mode but keep the ability to toggle it back on, you are done.

How do you delete text from right to left?

Open the document. Move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the line of text you want to delete. Press and hold the left mouse button, then drag the mouse to the right until the entire line of text is highlighted. Press the Backspace or Delete to delete the line of text.

How do you delete one word on a Mac?

Deleting text in front of the cursor with the regular Delete key can be done by holding down the Function, or fn key while pressing it. You can also do this by pressing Control + D. You can delete the entire word behind the cursor by pressing Control + Delete or Option + Delete.

How do you delete an extra page at the end of a Word document?

Delete a blank page in Word In the opened Word document, choose Paragraph mark from the Paragraph group visible under ‘Home’ tab. Now, to delete a blank page at the end of the document, select the paragraph markers (¶) at the end of the document, and hit ‘Delete’ button.

How do you expand and collapse in Word?

To do this, right-click on any heading and move your mouse over “Expand/Collapse” on the popup menu. Then, select “Collapse All Headings” from the submenu to collapse all the headings in your document, or “Expand All Headings” to expand all the headings again.

How do I edit a PDF in Word 2013?

How To Edit a PDF in Word 2013

  1. Click “File” to open the File Menu.
  2. Click “Open” and select the PDF from either your SkyDrive or from your PC if the file is saved locally.
  3. Click “Enable Editing” at the top of the screen to disable Protected View.
  4. Edit the Document as you see fit.
  5. Click “File” and then “Save As.”

How do you insert a collapse in Word?

Collapse or expand parts of a document Place your cursor in the heading. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click the dialog box launcher. In the Paragraph dialog box, click the checkbox next to Collapsed by default. Click OK.