Why do guys wear their pants below their belly?

Why do guys wear their pants below their belly?

For sagging's many detractors, kids wearing their pants below the waist — or below the butt cheeks, in the case of the look's most committed adherents — has doubled as a reliable shorthand for a constellation of social ills ostensibly befalling or propagated by young black men. A dangerous lack of self-respect.

What does it mean when you sag your pants?

Sagging pants: wearing pants below the waist so that undergarments are showing. Most sources report that sagging pants began in the prison system. Sagging was said to be a symbol that the sagger was sexually available to other prisoners, or alternatively, already taken by another inmate.

What states have the sagging pants law?

Cities in Georgia, Mississippi, New Jersey, South Carolina and other parts of Louisiana still have anti-sagging ordinances on the book. As recently as last year, state lawmakers in South Carolina have proposed bills that criminalize sagging. (No statewide legislation that bans sagging pants has ever passed.)

What do you mean by sagging?

to sink or bend downward by weight or pressure, especially in the middle: The roof sags. to hang down unevenly; droop: Her skirt was sagging.