Why did Lawrence Kutner kill himself?

Why did Lawrence Kutner kill himself?

In the show, he killed himself due to depression, there is no hidden motive other than actor wanted to leave the show. Kutner’s suicide was scripted due to actor Kal Penn ‘s decision to accept the position of Associate Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison in President Barack Obama ‘s administration.

Why did Lisa Cuddy leave the show?

Cuddy left the show following the events of House MD season 7’s finale, which involved a brutal breakup with House. Most of the actors’ contracts ended with House MD season 7, and the network wanted to cut down on costs by bringing them back with pay cuts. Lisa Edelstein refused and decided to leave the show instead….

Why did House kill off Amber?

Amber picked up House’s call instead. Although House told her to go get Wilson, she showed up to pick him up instead. It’s at that point that House realizes what’s killing her: amantadine poisoning. Since the crash destroyed her kidneys, she couldn’t filter the drugs and she effectively ODed on her flu medication….

Why did Cameron and Chase divorce?

In season 6, Cameron left PPTH and divorced Chase after finding out about the events that took place in the episode The Tyrant. She left when she realized that House had a heavy impact on Chase and she couldn’t live with it, after her failed attempt to make Chase quit the hospital as well.

Is Hugh Laurie a real doctor?

Laurie was born in Oxford, England in 1959. Like his on-screen character, Laurie’s father was a doctor in real life, working as a General Practitioner in Blackbird Leys, Oxford for over thirty years….

How did Cuddy die?

fat embolism

How much money did Hugh Laurie make from house?

“House” Salary: For several of the mid-series seasons, Hugh earned $300,000 per episode of “House”. That worked out to around $7 million per season. At his peak Laurie made $700,000 per episode. That worked out to $16 million per season.

Does Thirteen die house?

In the end, House saw that Thirteen was happy with her girlfriend and fired her once and for all so she can live out her last days being happy. She made her final appearance as one of the speakers at House’s funeral in the series finale “Everybody Dies”.

Who did thirteen kill?

What Crime Did Thirteen Commit? She killed Kutner! She was arrested for going both ways down a one-way street!…

Did Foreman realize house was alive?

You can see this in the ending montage. It was used to prop up a table in Foreman’s office which he was having a problem with earlier in the finale. House is the only person that knew Foreman was having this problem so Foreman immediately smirked and realized that House was still alive.

Does Wilson die on House?

Unwilling to let that happen, House fakes his death and he and Wilson go on a trip across America together, intending to make the most of their time together before Wilson succumbs altogether. It’s presumed that in or around September or October 2012, Wilson eventually dies from the cancer.

Does Wilson blame House Amber’s death?

James Wilson’s girlfriend. She and House were involved in a bus crash, and she ends up dying from her injuries and complications from a flu medicine she was on. This case isn’t only personal because of Amber’s connection to Wilson; House feels directly responsible for her death….

How does Kutner die in house?

Death. Kutner is found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his apartment by Thirteen and Foreman in “Simple Explanation”. The show’s producers confirmed that his death was indeed a suicide.

Did House really die?

House did die. Kutner, his “suicidal friend,” appeared as a hallucination and tried to convince House to save himself. That’s when it became clear: After years of saving people, House’s friends had to save him. But that sounds cornier than it was….

Did Kutner kill himself or murdered?

Death. Despite his success, Kutner committed suicide in the episode “Simple Explanations”. Later in the episode House went to Kutner’s apartment and declared he had been murdered, but this was primarily because House could not fathom the idea that he had not seen his suicide coming.

Did House cause Amber’s death?

Illness and death House had been drunk at a bar and called Wilson to pick him up, but Amber was the one who answered the call and followed him onto the bus. At the end of the episode, she died in Wilson’s arms as the machines were shut down, and her death left him devastated.

Did House sleep with Cameron?

Although Cameron has stated that she is “over” House, neither her colleagues (nor Wilson or Cuddy) believe her. Both characters retain an ambiguous interest in the other. She nervously answers that “humans are complicated”, leading Chase to believe that she in fact did sleep with House.

Do House and Cameron ever kiss?

In Half-Wit, Cameron kisses House while attempting to get a blood sample. The pairing is shot down by the show soon after Cameron becomes involved with Chase. In the season 5 finale they get married, but in season 6, they get divorced. Cameron admits that she was in love with House & Chase.

Did House sleep with Cuddy?

In episode “Under My Skin”, Cuddy helps House detox from Vicodin; and the two sleep together. She cared for House after he goes through rehab for Vicodin.

Why did House go crazy?

Dr. Gregory House became a patient following his realization that the night he had spent with Lisa Cuddy as well as his detoxing from Vicodin were all hallucinations, causing House to also discover that he was suffering from psychosis. This is the ward that House was placed in following his detox.

How long do House and Cuddy stay together?

eight years

Why did House drive through Cuddy’s house?

House tells Cuddy that he feels hurt but it’s not her fault. After the case, House drives with Wilson to Cuddy’s home to return her a hairbrush she requested. He arrives at her home, and notices her with Jerry and her family.

Why was House jailed?

Plot: Gregory House is serving out a lengthy prison sentence for his various misdeeds in Moving On, including his trip outside the country in an attempt to escape responsibility. Entirely cut off from his old life, House determines his current problems are the result of his inability to deal with people.

Why did Cuddy and Lucas break up?

Because Cuddy wanted to try being with House. She thought it was an engagement present but House actually didn’t know about the engagement and was just doing it for her because he had feelings for her. Once she realizes this she ends it with Lucas.

What happened to Dr Cuddy in House?

Cuddy left ‘House’ for good after the Season 7 finale. However, by mid-Season 7, in a very dream-like campy episode, Cuddy found out that House was back off the wagon in order to cope with Cuddy’s potential cancer diagnosis, so she broke it off once again….

Who is the father of Cuddy’s baby on House?

Rachel Cuddy is Lisa Cuddy’s adopted daughter. She is the biological daughter of Natalie Soellner, the patient in Joy to the World and her boyfriend Simon.