Why did Grell kill himself?
Why did Grell kill himself?
Grell was so desperate to become a woman that when no doctor would help him he decided to end it. With that he committed suicide, and became a Shinigami as punishment. As shown, Will hates to have to work overtime. Soon it became too much, and he committed suicide.
Is Sebastian in love with Ciel?
Ciel loves Sebastian. It barely matters how you look at it, and it’s definitely not a romantic sort of love, but it is undeniable that Ciel relies on Sebastian emotionally and sees him as his sole protector.
Is Grell in love with Sebastian?
Grell tells Sebastian that they hoped to see him there, but Sebastian doesn’t really want to deal with them. Despite his coldness, Grell is still very attracted to him.
How old is Sebastian Michaelis physically?
Sebastian’s age in human registry in my opinion is at around the age of 20 or 30.. But in demon registry Sebastian is 1000s of years old,he has given us hints due to him saying that if he compared Ciel’s age to his it would be just a moment,and he has said that he may have behind the Black Death spread which was 500 …
What is Sebastian’s real name?
Horatio Felonius Ignacius Crustaceous Sebastian
Did Sebastian eat Ciel’s soul?
However it was a lucky/unfortunate consequence that Sebastian still hadn’t eaten Ciel’s soul. So because he didn’t eat it, he let Ciel’s soul corrupt into that of a demon, therefore the contract is still intact as the soul had not been consumed…
How does Ciel die?
Ciel sadly wondered why no one was there to help him. One of the masked adults then placed “Ciel” on a table as a sacrifice, and he was stabbed while the rest looked on gleefully.
Does Ciel have PTSD?
We all know Ciel’s mental health isn’t that good. He suffers from PTSD along with survivors guilt and feeling as if he was inferior to his brother. When his brother died he said to himself that the body laying on the table was him, he was the one who died and his brother was the one who lived.
Who killed Ciel’s parents?
ummm based on the newest episode ANGELA was the one who killed Ciel’s parent’s….. and in the end she’s still alive after the church collapse….
Is Sebastian Ciel’s dad?
I have always thought that Sebastian shows a parental behavior towards Ciel, a kind of relationship that is very different from that between Claude Faustus and Alois Trancy, for instance. Ok, it has been said that Sebastian took a human form that resembled Ciel’s father so as to have the boy trust him more easily.
Does Sebastian betray Ciel?
In the second season, Sebastian hints that he “feels” degraded since he has to be a butler just to get Ciel’s delicious soul. As in he is loyal towards Ciel and would never betray him.
Why does Ciel look like a girl?
According to Madam Red, Viscount Druit loved “any pretty little thing in a skirt” which meant that the Viscount has a special interest in younger girls. Ciel, being thin and small, could easily pass for a young girl so he agreed to be put in a dress in order for him to find his suspect.
Is Ciel a twin?
“Ciel Phantomhive” (“シエル・ファントムハイヴ”, “Shieru Fantomuhaivu”) is the true head of the Phantomhive house. He is also the identical twin brother of Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford’s original fiancé.
Is Undertaker Ciel’s grandfather?
Undertaker is Vincent Phanotmhive’s father and Ciel Phantomhive’s grandfather.