Why are revolvers so expensive?

Why are revolvers so expensive?

They've been expensive because revolvers are more like mechanical watches than simple lugs and springs like a modern semi-auto. The precision machining and assembly required to make a high quality revolver makes them expensive. Surplus, contrary to popular belief, is finite.

Are revolvers safer than automatics?

But the bottom line remains: a revolver is more reliable than a semi-automatic handgun. Not to mention the fact that you can't “forget” to do anything to a revolver before shooting (aside from loading and having one). And if a revolver doesn't fire, you just pull the trigger again. And/or run.

Is a revolver or a pistol better?

A revolver can be a pistol or a rifle. In my own opinion, a well made semi auto pistol is inherently better than your revolver. More mag capacity, faster reloads, a much higher rate of fire, and fail to fire or feed is much faster easier to fix than when a revolver misfires or misfeeds.

Do revolvers jam?

At least one person says that you should get a revolver for self defense because “revolvers don't jam.” While it's true in the technical sense that revolvers are not plagued by the same common issues as semi-automatic pistols, like any machine, revolvers can and do fail.

Why do revolvers have 6 shots?

In modern times, revolvers designed for concealed carry almost never have more than five shots, for the same reason other revolvers, since the 1850's have usually featured a six-shot limit. The cylinder must be large enough to accommodate the cartridges. That means more size and more weight, both undesirable traits.

Should I carry a revolver or semi auto?

However, more important than revolver vs semi-auto for concealed carry is that you actually carry a gun. So if you prefer a revolver, get a revolver. If you prefer a semi-auto, get a semi-auto. But whatever you carry, make sure you're a great shot with it because you can't miss fast enough to win a gunfight.

Why is a revolver more accurate?

Neither design is inherently more accurate; It's all about quality. Revolvers can deform the bullets as they enter the forcing cone, and autoloaders can have slop in the barrel-slide lock-up, meaning that the sights will not align the same for every shot.

Are revolvers outdated?

Revolvers are not obsolete, but they are rarely the right gun for the job as far as self defense is concerned. Semi-auto pistols have virtually eliminated the reliability gap there used to be between the 2, their larger capacity and ease of use give them a distinct advantage over revolvers in a self defense situation.

Is a revolver a good first gun?

Revolvers: Not Just for Old Guys. When prospective first time gun buyers ask for my suggestions for self-defense handguns, I seldom recommend revolvers. As we've already discussed in this series, semi-autos are easier to shoot well and have higher ammo capacity — both important advantages.

Do revolvers have more recoil?

Revolvers have more recoil than pistols because they dont have a slide and recoil spring to reduce the recoil. Semi autos with dual recoil springs have Lower recoil . For e.g. Glock 4 gen pistols have dual recoil springs.

Do you have to pull back the hammer on a revolver?

If it's a Double-Action revolver, you can freely fire it without cocking the hammer, as it will manually cock itself as you pull the trigger. If it is single action, you must pull the hammer back; if it's double, you can just pull the trigger.

Is it bad to spin the cylinder of a revolver?

Spinning the cylinder excessively will exaggerate the drag line from the cylinder latch. This is not damage, it's cosmetic and usually an indication of how much the gun has been used. Possibly wear the pawl and/or ratchet eventually to where it loses correct timing if you're an idiot about it.

Why are revolvers obsolete?

Are revolvers easier to maintain?

Ease of maintenance: Having fewer movable parts and being far less complex in operation , a revolver is inmensely easier to maintain in working status.

Why are revolvers so cool?

Revolvers are more practical than automatics in certain circumstances. Double action revolvers can handle hang-fires and misfires better than any automatic. You just pull the trigger again. It even keeps the bullet pointing downrange, so if the bullet does go off it won't injure you.

How fast can a revolver fire?

38 caliber revolver will do so at just 130 miles per hour. Bullets from a 9mm handgun may max out at speeds as low as 102 miles per hour. And a . 30 caliber bullet, according to Mattoo's equation, might do so at only 85 miles per hour.

Why a revolver is better?

The double action revolver is actually safer because you do not want to accidentally shoot anyone. Revolvers are generally much more affordably priced than most semi-automatic pistols. Today's revolver ammunition is much more effective than that of just 20 years ago.

Did Cowboys really only load 5?

But now you know why cowboys only loaded 5 rounds in their revolvers. By the way, there is a legend that cowboys had a rolled up bill in the sixth chamber to pay the undertaker in case they die. This is, of course, a myth, because refusing to use your sixth slot at a shootout would be stupid.

Is a 357 A good first gun?

The . 357 is a great cartridge and, as a bonus, guns chambered for it will also fire . 38 Special. It's a good beginner's caliber — in the right guns — as .

Why do you only load 5 rounds in a revolver?

An accident was waiting to happen. This is why up to this day it is recommended to load 5 rounds only and to leave one chamber empty. Then the empty chamber can be turned to be right in front of the hammer. In this way the revolver will never shoot by accident.