Why are my tendons so tight?

Why are my tendons so tight?

Tendonitis (Tendon tightness and stiffness) This condition is commonly found in office workers and also in older people who do not exercise. It is usually caused by repetitive body motions or remaining in the same position or posture for extended periods of time, as well as performing actions or movements incorrectly.

Can you loosen tendons?

Tendon release, also known as tenotomy, is a surgical procedure that involves cutting through or disconnecting a tendon to allow for a greater range of movement. The procedure is used to relieve tight or shortened muscles. In some cases, the tendon is re-routed to maintain muscle function.

Can stretching make tendonitis worse?

The more severe the tendinopathy, the less likely stretching would help. In fact, stretching results in further compression of the tendon at the irritation point, which actually worsens the pain. For more information on exercises that help improve an insertional tendinopathy see our blog on Achilles Tendinopathy.

Do tendons shorten with age?

As muscles age, they begin to shrink and lose mass. The water content of tendons, the cord-like tissues that attach muscles to bones, decreases as we age. This makes the tissues stiffer and less able to tolerate stress.

Does stretching help tendonitis?

Does stretching help tendonitis? Stretching certainly can help decrease the resting tension of the inflamed or degenerative tendon. It is important to note that you need to make sure that your injury is indeed tendonitis. Stretching is not indicated for tendon tears or ruptures.