Why are my cookies not crunchy?

Why are my cookies not crunchy?

Adding too little flour can cause cookies to be flat, greasy and crispy. Baking soda helps cookies spread outward and upward while cooking. Adding too much butter can cause the cookies to be flat and greasy. Adding too little butter can cause the cookies to be tough and crumbly.

Why are my cookies too hard?

Another thing that can make cookies hard is over-handling them–too much mixing after adding the dry ingredients, too many roll-outs, etc. Once you have creamed the sugar and butter, try stirring in the dry ingredients gently only until the dough has come together.

Why are my cookies raw in the middle?

Warm cookie dough or excess butter will cause the cookies to spread too much, baking quickly on the outside but remaining raw in the middle. Next time, chill your cookies in the fridge for 10 minutes before you bake them. If the problem persists, use less butter.

What ingredient keeps cookies soft?

To keep it simple, cookie recipes that contain a lot of butter, brown sugar or egg yolks are going to yield soft and chewy cookies, because those ingredients add moisture and retain it for a longer amount of time.

What makes cookies chewy vs crunchy?

Unlike crispy cookies, you don't want the dough to spread a lot so you want dough that is stiffer with a high moisture content. Flour: For chewy cookies, choose flours with a lower protein content.

How do you know if cookies are undercooked?

If your cookies won't hold together well enough to take them off the baking sheet with a spatula, or if parts of them are obviously still very gooey/runny, then they are undercooked. Otherwise, the best way to tell is to sample one (after it has cooled enough to eat).

Are cookies soft after baking?

However, it may look a bit puffy or soft in the center, too. This is normal and simply means that the cookie may continue baking on the sheet and rack once removed from the oven. Taking cookies out of the oven at this stage will make them softer and chewier.

Why are my sugar cookies hard?

While overcooked sugar cookies are certainly still palatable, they'll be hard and crunchy, instead of soft and chewy. → Follow this tip: Pull the cookie sheet from the oven as soon as they've set and gained some color, but not too much. They should also look slightly crackled across the center.

Can I put cookies back in the oven?

Cookies bake quickly — usually within 8 to 10 minutes — but sometimes it's hard to tell when they're baked through. You can always return cookies to the oven if they need a few more minutes. You can even rebake cookies long after they're cool to restore crispness or freshness. Here's our best tips.