Why are my aloe vera leaves turning brown?

Why are my aloe vera leaves turning brown?

If you fertilize your plant, the soil may have excess salt buildup, which can burn roots and cause brown aloe vera plants. Leach the soil with plenty of water or repot the plant. When an aloe is turning brown, it might also be chemical exposure. Aloe plants do not need much feeding.

Should I cut off Brown aloe vera leaves?

Regular pruning will help them look their best. In the case of aloe vera, you need to prune to harvest the gel within the leaves. Trim off any leaf tips or whole leaves that have turned pinkish-brown. These parts are dying, so removing them helps the aloe plant stay healthy and green.

What does an overwatered aloe plant look like?

Overwatering. When an aloe plant is being overwatered, the leaves develop what are called water-soaked spots. They look like what you describe: soggy and soft. It is almost as though the entire leaf becomes saturated and gel-like, then it turns to mush.

Can aloe vera recover from overwatering?

If the soil is dry, your plant needs water. Aloe vera plants are succulents and do not need to be watered often. Overwatering can kill your plant!