Who would win an alligator or a crocodile?

Who would win an alligator or a crocodile?

If the fight occurs on land, an alligator may win because it is faster in lands than a crocodile. A fully grown crocodile is more likely to injure an alligator due to its bigger size. A crocodile is generally more aggressive than an alligator meaning that it could easily win the fight.

Why is alligator leather so expensive?

This is because unlike crocodiles and cows, alligators are localized. It will always be the most expensive skin leather from reptiles to make shoes of because there are only so many alligators allowed to be culled every year.

What is the biggest alligator ever caught?

The largest alligator ever recorded. Five members of the Stokes family captured and killed a giant alligator at the Alabama R iver on August 16, 2014, which measured 15 feet and 9 inches (4.8 meters) long and weighed 1,011.5 pounds ( about 458.8 kg). Most sources pick this one as the largest alligator ever recorded.

Would a crocodile kill an alligator?

Essentially, yes, a croc can kill a gator, but only if the croc is larger, and attacks the gator first. There is only one species of Crocodile that lives in the same habitat as the American Alligator. That species of croc is small, and largely non aggressive. Alligators have little fear from that species.

How much is an alligator purse worth?

CONTRIBUTED PHOTO This alligator purse from the 1950s is theoretically worth between $40 and $60, but you may have problems finding someone who wants it. Dear Doug: I was given this alligator purse by a dear friend about 20 years ago.

Do alligators go in the ocean?

Alligators are primarily freshwater animals and they do not live in the ocean. Alligators probably aren't one of them. While alligators can tolerate salt water for a few hours or even days, they are primarily freshwater animals, living in swampy areas, rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.

Are crocodiles aggressive?

The saltwater crocodile is not a big, fishy friend, like the shark. He is an opportunistic, aggressive, giant beast. Crocodiles attack hundreds to thousands of people every single year. Depending on the species, 1/3 to 1/2 are fatal.

What is the biggest crocodile in the world?

Lolong has hit the big time—at 20.24 feet (6.17 meters) long, the saltwater crocodile is officially the largest in captivity, the Guinness World Records announced recently.

Do crocodiles live in the US?

Crocodiles and alligators belong to a group of reptiles called crocodilians, which are the largest of the living reptiles. Of the 23 different species of crocodilians in the world, 2 species are native to the United States, and south Florida is the only place where both of these species coexist.

Are Crocs more dangerous than alligators?

Crocodiles are often regarded as much more aggressive than alligators. While you should avoid contact with both animals at all costs, alligators in the Everglades tend to be more docile than crocodiles, only attacking if hungry or provoked.

How much is crocodile skin worth?

The value of first-grade skin per cm is $9 (USA), a 40 cm of skin therefore costs $360. For every imperfection, value decreases which is why crocodile farmers take precautionary measures such as covering corners of enclosures with plastic, to keep their crocodiles in good condition.

How aggressive are alligators?

American alligators are often less aggressive towards humans than larger crocodile species, a few of which (mainly the Nile and saltwater crocodiles) may prey on humans with some regularity. American alligator bites are serious injuries due to the reptile's sheer bite force and risk of infection.

Which is older alligators or crocodiles?

The first alligator ancestors evolved some 245 million years ago. About 80 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, crocodilians appeared.

Is alligator and gharial same?

The Gharial is the most unique of the crocs. It has a long skinny snout, or gavial, that can catch fish sideways. Alligators, Crocodiles, caimans, and gharial are related, but are different species. Gators have a wide rounded “U” shaped snout that packs more crushing power to eat prey like turtles.

Are crocodiles in Florida?

American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus) are a shy and reclusive species. They live in coastal areas throughout the Caribbean, and occur at the northern end of their range in south Florida. They live in brackish or saltwater areas, and can be found in ponds, coves, and creeks in mangrove swamps.

How fast are crocodiles on land?

Today, crocodiles are found in the tropical habitats of Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas. They normally live near lakes, rivers, wetlands and even some saltwater regions.

What is the shape of a crocodile’s tail?

Crocodiles have powerful jaws with many conical teeth and short legs with clawed webbed toes. They share a unique body form that allows the eyes, ears, and nostrils to be above the water surface while most of the animal is hidden below. The tail is long and massive, and the skin is thick and plated.

Can alligators hear?

Alligators have fairly poor eyesight. They have a “nictitating membrane” to protect their eyes so that they can see underwater. Alligators hear with ears that are located behind their eyes and are very sensitive to vibrations in the water.

Do alligators lay eggs?

The nest can measure seven to 10 feet (2.1 to 3 meters) in diameter and two to three feet (0.6 to 0.9 meters) high. Then, around late June and early July, the female lays 35 to 50 eggs. Some females can lay up to 90 eggs. The eggs are then covered with vegetation and hatch after a 65-day incubation period.

Where do Saltwater crocodiles live?

Saltwater crocs, or "salties," as Australians affectionately refer to them, have an enormous range, populating the brackish and freshwater regions of eastern India, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia. They are excellent swimmers and have often been spotted far out at sea.

How big are saltwater crocodiles?

When young, alligators eat fish, insects, snails, crustaceans, and worms. As they mature, progressively larger prey is taken, including larger fish such as gar, turtles, and various mammals, particularly coypu and muskrat, as well as birds, deer, and other reptiles. Their stomachs also often contain gizzard stones.

Do crocodiles live in saltwater?

The two reptiles are close relatives. But crocodiles tend to live in saltwater habitats, while alligators hang out in freshwater marshes and lakes. This smiley creature is an alligator.