Who was Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra?

Who was Sanjaya to Dhritarashtra?

Sanjaya, son of charioteer Gavalgana, is Dhritarashtra’s advisor and also his charioteer. Sanjaya was a disciple of sage Krishna Dwaipayana Veda Vyasa and was immensely devoted to his master, King Dhritarashtra.

Who gave Divya Drishti to Sanjay?

sage Veda Vyasa

Who killed vidur in Mahabharat?

Originally Answered: How vidura died after war of Mahabharata? He died of old age – a natural death. 15 years after the Kurukshetra war, Dhritarastra, Gandhari, Kunti, Vidhura and several others decided to go to the forests and live there.

Is vidura married?

Vidura (Sanskrit: विदुर, lit. skilled, intelligent or wise) also known as Kshattri is one of the central characters in the Mahabharata, a major Hindu epic. He is described as the prime minister of the Kuru Kingdom and also the uncle of the Pandavas and Kauravas….

Spouse Sulabha

At what age did Draupadi marry?

Draupadi was of 30 years when she married to all Pandava. Draupadi was of 25 years when she born from holly fire. Pandava married to Draupadi in BCE 3195. Age of all Pandavas and Kauravas at the time of Draupadi Swayamvar.

Who was Draupadi Favorite Husband?


Was Draupadi most beautiful in the world?

Draupadi. Draupadi or “Panchali” was one among the 9 most beautiful women of Mahabharata. Draupadi played an exceptional role in the second half of Mahabharata. Arjuna acquired Draupadi at her “Swayamvara” and finally she became the common wife of all the five Pandavas.

Did Arjuna really love Draupadi?

He did love Draupadi and respected her, but I do not think she was his favorite. However, her position and the rights she received as the Pandavas’ common wife and the queen of Indraprastha surpassed those of any other wife of the Pandavas.

Who was Arjun’s Favourite son?


Who was Draupadi favorite son?

Favorite of Arjuna. Arjuna gifted him his chariot. Sutasoma’s responsibility was to stop Drona and Aswathhama on the 15th day.

Who loved Arjuna the most?

From childhood, Arjuna was a brilliant student and was favoured by his beloved teacher, Drona. Arjuna is depicted as a skilled archer, winning the hands of Draupadi, who married the five brothers because of Kunti’s misunderstanding.

Why did Draupadi loved Arjuna the most?

Firstly, Draupadi loved Arjun the most, which is quite palpable. Moreover, Draupadi was being insulted by Karna, who also happened to be Arjun’s greatest rival. When Duryodhan showed his thigh to Draupadi, Bhima stood up, to take a vow. Even later, it was Bhima who declared that Arjun would kill Karna…

Did Draupadi loved Karna?

Her heart was stuck to Karna but King wanted her to choose Arjuna. So, left with no choice , Draupadi revealed her true feelings to her husbands, that she had secretly loved Karna and if she had married him she would not have been gambled away and publicly humiliated.

Was Karna most handsome man?

Yes! Karna is the most handsome man in Mahabharta as he is ansh of Lord Sun. Then she would be wife of only of Karn, and not of other pandvas.

Who was the most handsome man in Mahabharata?


Who is the best friend of Karna?


Can Karna kill Krishna?

Though acknowledging the fact he spared life of 4 Pandavas but his life was also spared by Bhima and Satyaki on occasions. So he could be defeated killed and overpowered easily so how do he kill Krishna. So no Karna as a warrior was weak and thus could not even stand Krishna for few second if it comes to duel.