Who sings the song Iko Iko?

Who sings the song Iko Iko?

Captain Jack

What does Iko mean in texting?

IKO — Innovation, Know-How, and Originality. IKO — Instituut voor Katholiek Onderwijs. IKO — Installation Knowledge Online. IKO — International Karate Organization. IKO — International Kiteboarding Organization.

What does Lko mean in texting?

LKO — Ladies Knight Out.

What does ILR mean in text talk?

Item Level Restriction

What does lmao stand for?

Laughing My Ass Off

What is the meaning of 182?

I Hate You

What does TLDR mean?

too long; didn’t

Is TLDR rude?

A lone “TLDR?” without any explanation could be an intentionally rude or funny comment. In most cases, though, it’s just a witty acknowledgment that a small chunk of text is easier to digest than a large wall of text. That said, you’ll rarely see a lone “TLDR” in the comments for a web article (or anywhere, really).

Is TLDR professional?

You can use the CONCEPT of a tl;dr in a formal mail. just don’t NAME it that. Call it “summary” or a similar term. Clients will love a short and to the point conclusion, because it means they don’t need to read a 50 line email if they can’t or don’t want to.

What does TLDR mean in a relationship?

Too Long; Didn’t Read

What is TLDR on Reddit?

TL;DR: This is when Reddit can get sassy. Someone will use this expression to say, “too long; didn’t read.” Sometimes on Reddit, people can write entire essays in their response.

What is TLDR newsletter?

TLDR is a daily, curated newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in tech. Get it in your inbox every morning at 6am ET!

How do you write TLDR?

TL;DR falls under the initialism category, so you pronounce it “tee el dee are”. Nowadays, most users write the TLDR abbreviation as simply TLDR. Its older and most proper form is TL;DR, which includes a semicolon between the L and D.

Why is TLDR at the end?

The tl;dr at the end is often the result of an unthinking or lazy writer. As a result, they think while they write and only understand what they want to say when they come to the end of what they have said.

What does 182 mean spiritually?

Angel Number 182 relates to your personal spirituality, inner-strength and tenacity and pursuing your soul mission and destiny. As you create your own reality, the angels encourage you to have faith and trust in your skills, talents and abilities and the power of the Universal Energies.

What is the meaning behind 1111?

Overall, the meaning of 1111 is to pay attention to your thoughts. Most importantly, remember that you always have the Creator and your divine team of angels and spirit guides with you. So when you need their help to change unpleasant thoughts to more positive ones, all you have to do is ask.

What mean 831 224?

I Love You

What does 831 mean spiritually?

Angel numbers 831 symbolize having the freedom to make your own decisions. It’s a symbol of growth and another chance at life. You are being called to find peaceful resolutions to the issues in your life and to remain optimistic while you do so.

What’s a code word for I Love You?


What is the best reply to I Love You?

Alternative Responses To I Love You

  • I love you way more.
  • Thank you for loving me.
  • I am so obsessed with you.
  • There is nothing better than hearing you say that.
  • You make the world a better place.
  • No, I love you!
  • You are the only person who can make me smile constantly.

How do you make someone feel loved?

How To Make Someone Feel Important, Special, And Loved

  1. Tell Them. No, seriously, when was the last time you told this person how much you love and care for them?
  2. Hug Them. Hugs will never ever go out of fashion.
  3. Compliment Them.
  4. Show It Through Your Gestures.
  5. Put In The Hours.
  6. Lend An Ear And Listen.
  7. Show An Interest.
  8. Follow Up.

How do you say I love you in the most romantic way?

Romantic Ways to Say “I Love You”

  1. I love you to the moon and back again.
  2. We fit together like puzzle pieces.
  3. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  4. You complete me.
  5. I can’t believe you’re mine.
  6. You are a beautiful person inside and out.
  7. I am here for you…always.
  8. I’m yours.