Who saves Pip from orlick?

Who saves Pip from orlick?

Pip cries out for help when Orlick goes to kill him, and other voices respond to his call. One of his rescuers is Trabb's boy. Herbert and Startop are with him. Orlick manages to break free and run away.

Who was Pip’s benefactor?

Abel MagwitchThe Convict, who escapes from a prison ship, whom Pip treats kindly, and who in turn becomes Pip's benefactor. His name is Abel Magwitch, but he uses the aliases "Provis" and "Mr Campbell" when he returns to England from exile in Australia.

Who was Miss Havisham’s fiance?

CompeysonShe inherited most of her father's fortune and fell in love with a man named Compeyson, who conspired with the jealous Arthur to swindle her of her riches.

Why did orlick kill PIP?

Joe, but tells Pip that he (Pip) was the cause of Mrs. Joe's death, because he was always favored by Joe over Orlick when he was growing up, and because he made Orlick's life so miserable as a result. Lunatic villain confession over, Orlick announces that he's going to kill Pip.