Who is the sheriff of Megaton?
Who is the sheriff of Megaton?
Lucas Simms
Should I let Lucas Simms die?
Letting Simms die has no real impact. You don’t get anything for saving him and if he dies, you can get a house in Megaton from his son, Harden Simms.
Where is Mr Burke?
Mister Burke is Allistair Tenpenny’s right-hand man, currently staying in Moriarty’s Saloon in 2277.
Can you get into megaton ruins?
Megaton cannot be entered after it is destroyed, and getting very close will result in a significant dose of radiation. The player character will likely encounter Megaton refugees after destroying Megaton; they are hostile on sight.
How much karma do you lose for blowing up Megaton?
If you blow up megaton, moderators will most likely slap you with a measly 3 karma loss.9
What to do in megaton before I destroy it?
Forum:Things To Do Before You Blow Up Megaton
- Punch the Mercenary in Craterside Supply.
- Have Sticky Wait in Megaton.
- Go to every Vender, Buy Everything, Then kill them and take it back.
- Be nice to Gob (hey, its his last day on earth)
- Kill Lucas Simms and take his hat.
- Punch Colin Moriarty and knock him on his Irish ass and tell him how LIFE is a commodity.
Should I disarm the bomb in Megaton?
Disarm Megaton’s atomic bomb If successful, the player character will get the reward and the keys to a personal Megaton house. The reward is usually 100 caps, but with the successful use of the Speech skill on Lucas (before actually disarming the bomb) the reward can be upped to 500 caps.
Can you save the sheriff in Fallout 3?
User Info: rhinoman. of course you can keep him alive. just kill burke before he kills the sheriff…lol… the sheriff also thanks you afterwards for saving him, but he doesn’t give you anything for it.5
Where is the house in Megaton?
On entering Megaton walk down the path and take the 1st left (almost going back on yourself) take that path up and round and the 1st building is your house.28
Who is the DJ for Galaxy News Radio fallout?
Kent Connolly
How do you get a house in Megaton?
My Megaton house is a residence in Megaton which becomes available if the Lone Wanderer disarms the Megaton bomb during The Power of the Atom quest. Sheriff Lucas Simms gives the Lone Wanderer a key to the house as a reward for disarming the atomic bomb in the center of Megaton.
Where is the bobblehead in megaton?
Lucas Simms’ house
How much do themes cost in Fallout 3?
All themes have a value of 999.
How long does it take for Wadsworth to get more water?
He can give the player character purified water, but only five at a time before needing to refresh his supply. It takes a week for him to refill his supply (meaning he can restore 100 HP every week).
Can you kill three dog?
Sometimes after starting a new game, Three Dog can be heard stating things that haven’t come to pass yet. Sometimes even after killing Three Dog, you can still hear him broadcast the news but it will switch between Margaret and him. This can be corrected by loading a save before Three Dog is killed.
Who voiced the dog Fallout 3?
Erik Todd Dellums
How do I get into Rivet City?
To access Rivet City, climb to the top of the tower near the Rivet City map marker (frequently, there will be a trader waiting at the base of the tower). There is an intercom near Carlos. When activated, a bridge will extend from the ship.
Where is Pinkerton Rivet City?
Horace Pinkerton, a self-described talented electrician, scientist, and surgeon, is a reclusive inhabitant of Rivet City’s broken bow in 2277. He was at one time a former council member of Rivet City who was replaced by Madison Li after a disagreement between them that resulted in Pinkerton storming out.
Where is the bobblehead in Rivet City?
It can be found in the Rivet City science lab on the far right of the three tables (the one next to the two lockers) next to the machinery in the lab (Dr. Madison Li is usually near it).
How many bobbleheads are in Fallout 4?
20 different Bobbleheads
What do Fallout 3 bobbleheads do?
Charisma The Charisma Bobblehead is located in Vault 108, which is 8 squares north of Rivet City.is home to the Charisma Bobblehead. The Vault is infested with baddies, so be careful. It is in the Western Area of the Cloning Lab….Fallout 3.
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Can you get the strength bobblehead after blowing up Megaton?
Nope, you can’t get it anymore.31
Is there a bobblehead in Vault 92?
In the northeast segment of the Capital Wasteland, you’ll find a location called Greener Pastures Disposal Site. A more specific location is easy enough to pinpoint; the facility is located southeast of Vault 92, and north (and slightly to the east) of both Minefield and the Scrapyard.5
What happens when you get all the bobbleheads in Fallout 4?
Fallout 4 Bobblehead Locations Guide Each of these rare collectibles applies an upgrade to specific skills or S.P.E.C.I.A.L character stats. Acquiring this Bobblehead permanently increases your Perception by 1. Others will increase your intelligence, charisma, endurance, and more.27
Does Fallout 4 have 11 special?
If a stat is already at 10 when a SPECIAL raising Bobble-head is picked up it can raise it to 11 if you really want to have a stat of 11 you must wait till you raise it to 10 naturally before picking the Bobble-Head up.