Who is the best Winston player?

Who is the best Winston player?

He may have a reason to grind Overwatch again. This article is brought to you by StatBanana, the best Overwatch strategy tool. Félix “xQc” Lengyel has reclaimed his position as the highest-ranked Winston player on North American servers. XQc has always been renowned for his Winston play within the Overwatch community.

Is Winston good overwatch?

Winston has been one of the best characters. He still is good, the Brigette meta just made him not as prominent. Plus you're a new player so you won't be able to utilize him whatsoever. A good Winston is going to make snipers and support absolutely miserable.

How do you play Winston effectively?

Winston Is a Hero. A hero is a figure who stands out above the rest by exceptional bravery, determination and uniqueness. In the novel 1984, the protagonist Winston, who lives in a country where nobody goes against "Big Brother" and anybody who does is punished, shows that he possesses the qualities of a true hero.