Who is Ravana father and mother?

Who is Ravana father and mother?

Ravana’s parents were sage Vishrava (son of Pulastya) and Kaikesi (daughter of Sumali and Kethumathi).

What is the original name of Ravana?


Who killed Shri Rama?


How did God Ram die?

In these revisions, the death of Sita leads Rama to drown himself. Through death, he joins her in afterlife. Rama dying by drowning himself is found in the Myanmar version of Rama’s life story called Thiri Rama.

How did Sita die?

Rama returned victorious from the war in Lanka, and everyone in Ayodhya celebrated his victory. Rama could not handle these rumors and doubted Sita’s purity. Sita, who could not take this doubt, jumped into the fire. And because Sita was so pure, the fire did not burn her, and all the gods sang of her purity.

At what age did RAM marry Sita?

Sita was six years old when she was married to Ram. After marrying Sita ,Ram returned to Ayodhya. They stayed in Ayodhya for 12 long years, filled with happiness and joy, with the family. When Ram proceeded to the jungle he was 27 and Sita was 18 years of age.

At what age did Rama get married?

13 years old

How many years did Rama and Sita lived together?

So, they would have been together for about 22 years in all. Sita lived for another 12 years. Rama lived for 12 years thereafter, that is, until his sons came of age.

Did Lord Rama have many wives?

My dear, Lord Sri Ram had one and only one wife that is Mata Sita only. Lord Sri Ram turned Lord Sri Krishna in Dwapar yug, had many wives, you can say, but not for Lord Sri Ram. Those all wives were from Treta Yuga and some were from even Satyuga who were waiting to marry Lord Sri Ram.

How many years did Lord Rama live?

10052 years

Why is Lord Rama blue?

The legends tell us that Lord Krishna had drunk poisoned milk given by a demon when he was a baby and that had caused the bluish tinge in his skin.

Did Lord Rama really exist?

Be it finding a Vishnu Hari inscription in the British era archeological studies to Archeological Survey of India excavations post-independence in Ayodhya and at other places, it is clear that Lord Rama was a historical figure and not a mere mythological figure.

Is Rama God or human?

Rama (or Ramacandra) is the seventh avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. His adventures, notably the slaying of the demon king Ravana, are recounted in the Vana Parva of the Mahabharata and in the Ramayana, the oldest Sanskrit epic, written sometime in the 5th century BCE but with some later additions.

How did Lakshman die?

Lakshman goes to the Sarayu river and gives up his life, to fulfill his brother’s promise. As Lakshman is the incarnation of Sheh-Naag on whom Lord Vishnu rests, it was essential for Lakshman to die before Ram so that when Ram gives up his life and returns to Vaikunth as Vishnu, his seat is already ready.