Who is Miss Rachel Haverford in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Who is Miss Rachel Haverford in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Miss Rachel Haverford is the Finch family’s next door neighbor. Her age is never given. Jem and Scout meet Dill (Charles Baker Harris) in Miss Rachel’s collard patch. Miss Rachel is Dill’s aunt, whom Dill lives with in the summers.

What does Haverford mean in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The Haverfords, who were Atticus Finch’s first clients in his career as a defense attorney, meet their unfortunate end by hanging due to their pride and refusal to acknowledge their crime. The Haverford brothers were the first two clients defended by Atticus Finch once he became an attorney.

Who is Mr Walter Cunningham in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Walter Cunningham. A poor farmer and part of the mob that seeks to lynch Tom Robinson at the jail. Mr. Cunningham displays his human goodness when Scout’s politeness compels him to disperse the men at the jail.

What did Scout do to Walter Cunningham?

Why did Scout rub Walter Cunningham’s nose in the dirt? Scout rubbed Walter’s nose in the dirt because since Scout had to explain to Miss. Fisher about Walter for Walter himself, Scout got in trouble by the teacher and got whipped 6 times in her hand with a ruler.

What does Scout think of dill?

Scout admires Dill for his variety of talents, enthusiasm, and acting abilities. She even develops a playful romance with Dill when he asks her to marry him. Scout and Dill continually sneak kisses when Jem is not looking and write each other letters when he leaves for his hometown of Meridian.

Why does Scout want to get Calpurnia fired?

he wants Atticus to fire Calpurnia. You may think otherwise, but I couldn’t have got along without her all these years.” He stresses that Calpurnia is a faithful member of the family and that she has done a great job of raising Scout and Jem. Scout thinks there may be a snake under her bed.

Why did JEM refuse to leave the jailhouse?

Jem refuses to leave when he sees that the men are threatening his father. Scout defends Jem when the burly man grabs him. She also unknowingly protects her father by causing the mob to disperse.

Why does Dill want a baby with Scout?

Bringing up a baby with Scout is just another way of seeking the happiness he so desires–by “the magic of his own inventions” in “his own twilight world.”

Why did Jem tell Atticus that Dill was there?

Why did Jem tell Atticus that Dill was there? Jem told Atticus that Dill was there because he can’t keep him hidden and feed him without Atticus knowing.

What evidence is there that JEM is growing up?

What evidence indicates that he is growing up and changing? Jem no longer wants to play the usual games with Scout. He corrects her behavior, and he spends time in his room or reading. “He was difficult to live with, inconsistent, moody.” He eats a lot more than he used to eat.

How much older is Jem than Scout?

Jem is ten years old at the start of the book, four years older than his sister Jean Louise “Scout” Finch. In the book, his age ranges from ten to twelve. Jem is also the son of lawyer Atticus Finch.

How Scout lose her innocence?

Scout learns many valuable lessons from her father throughout the novel. Atticus tries to teach his children about fairness in a world that rarely seems fair. This resulted in a major loss of innocence for Scout when she saw firsthand that life isn’t fair and sometimes innocent people can lose.

Why does Atticus leave for 2 weeks?

Atticus leaves for two weeks because the state legislature is called in to emergency session. His absence was related to the country’s economic troubles because people are growing poorer and breadlines are getting Ionger.

Why did Atticus need the extension cord?

Atticus needs the extension cord so he can take the lamp to the front of the jail and read while he’s sitting in the chair. It’s not just because he needs the light to see to read, but he wants more to be seen by the people in the town.

What makes scout cry while Atticus is talking with her and Jem?

what makes scout cry while Atticus is talking with her and Jem? She is upset because Atticus is not acting like himself and is telling them things he does not believe in: “This was not my father.

Why does Aunt Alexandra visit?

Aunt Alexandra decides to come to stay with Atticus in order to provide help around the house during Tom Robinson’s trial and to instruct Scout in the ways of being a lady. She is an imposing figure, and Scout describes her as being like Mt. Everest: “She was cold and there.”

What does aunt Alexandra think of scout?

Aunt Alexandra thinks that Scout is dull because she hasn’t had a woman’s influence in her life. Scout knows nothing of the way a lady should act in society. She disapproves of the way Scout acts and the things she says. Aunt Alexandra thinks she is dull because of the ways she passes her time.

Is Scout happy to have Aunt Alexandra?

Scout and Jem are not happy about their Aunt Alexandra coming to live with them. They accept Atticus’s decision to have Aunt Alexandra stay with them, but the kids are not thrilled about it. Atticus is not necessarily thrilled about it either, but he is the one that did ask for her presence.

What is Aunt Alexandra preoccupied with?

Aunt Alexandra was most preoccupied with teaching Scout to be a lady and making sure the children learned abour their heritage.

What does aunt Alexandra think of Atticus parenting?

She disapproves of Atticus’ parenting style and disagrees with how he allows Scout to dress and behave like a “tomboy.” She also feels that Atticus needs to do a better job of instilling a sense of pride in their family heritage. Alexandra even petitions Atticus to teach his children about the Finch family history.

What is hiding under Scout’s bed?

That night Scout feels something under her bed and thinks a snake his hiding there. She gets Jem to investigate, and they discover Dill hiding under Scout’s bed.

Who is waiting on the front steps of the Finch house?

Aunt Alexandra

Who did Atticus kill Bob Ewell?


Who symbolizes the gray ghost?

The Gray Ghost represents Boo or better yet what the children imagined Boo to be. At the end of the book, Atticus see the copy of the book, and Scout asks him to read her the book during bedtime. Atticus refuses at first, as the book is scary, but Scout insists.

What does GREY Ghost mean?

Wiktionary. grey ghost(Noun) A parking inspector, a person issuing tickets fining vehicles parked illegally or for too long. Etymology: * Reputedly a reference to the grey uniforms once worn; the term remaining even though the uniforms have changed.

What does Atticus Finch symbolize?

Character Analysis Atticus Finch. Atticus represents morality and reason in To Kill a Mockingbird. As a character, Atticus is even-handed throughout the story. Atticus uses this approach not only with his children, but with all of Maycomb.

What is Atticus final statement?

The last thing that Atticus says in the story is this: “Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them.” Atticus is responding to Scout’s summarizing of events in the story of The Grey Ghost. In it, a boy is falsely accused of doing nasty things, because he is unfamiliar to a lot of people.