Who is a trap witness?

Who is a trap witness?

‘ Anyone who has taken part in the commission of the crime, along with another or others, is called an accomplice. When the police induce a person to take part in crime for finding evidence against others, he is called a trap-witness.

What is the procedure of CBI investigation?

The CBI Investigation process proceeds with an inspection of the spot of crime. As defined by the CBI manual, a scene of crime or an event under CBI Investigation can be any place through which an investigating officer can get crucial evidence regarding the case.

What are the factors that motivate corruption?

Among the most common causes of corruption are the political and economic environment, professional ethics and morality and, of course, habits, customs, tradition and demography. Its effects on the economy (and also on the wider society) are well researched, yet still not completely.

What are the factors that motivate corruption What are the effects of corruption?

Main causes for corruption are according to the studies (1) the size and structure of governments, (2) the democracy and the political system, (3) the quality of institutions, (4) economic freedom/ openness of economy, (5) salaries of civil service, (6) press freedom and judiciary, (7) cultural determinants, (8) …

Which of the following will be considered Offence under Prevention of Corruption Act?

The following are the offences under the PCA along with their punishments:- Obtaining an undue advantage, with the intention to perform or cause performance of public duty improperly or dishonestly, etc., and if the public servant is found guilty, he shall be punishable with imprisonment which shall be not less than 3 …

What is the punishment for bribe?

Commission of relevant offences under the Penal Code is punishable with three to seven years’ imprisonment. Other penalties include confiscation or attachment of the accused’s property, or debarment or blacklisting from dealing with government authorities (in perpetuity or for a specific duration).

What is Republic Act 9710?

9710)? The Magna Carta of Women is comprehensive women’s human rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination against women by recognizing, protecting, fulfilling and promoting the rights of Filipino women, especially those in marginalized sector.

What is Republic No 10844?

10844, otherwise known as the “Department of Information and Communications Technology Act of 2015”, which was signed into law on 23 May 2016.