Who invented voodoo?

Who invented voodoo?

Voodoo is a sensationalized pop-culture caricature of voudon, an Afro-Caribbean religion that originated in Haiti, though followers can be found in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, the United States and elsewhere. It has very little to do with so-called voodoo dolls or zombies.

What do you need to become a witch?

Stock up. Depending on what type of witchcraft you decide to pursue, you'll likely need at least a few supplies from an occult store, like candles, oils, roots, and herbs for rituals; spell books; tarot cards; potion ingredients; cauldrons; and, for those drawn to psychism, a crystal ball.

What is voodoo app?

Voodoo, which describes itself as “a layer of black magic over your apps,” wants to help Indian consumers save money by helping them compare services in different apps without having to install a bunch of new ones. To use Voodoo, you download its app, which then runs in the background of your device.

What is black magic Wikipedia?

Black magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers for evil and selfish purposes. In modern times, some think the definition of "black magic" has been used by people for any type of magic practice that is disapproved of and thought of as evil or satanic.