Who does Timmy Turner marry?

Who does Timmy Turner marry?


Who is Timmy Turner in love with?

Trixie Tang

Why is Vicky so evil?

It is never explained why Vicky is the way that she is, although several conflicting plots have been put forth. In the episode “Snow Bound”, she reveals that she had a really rough childhood. In “Vicky Loses Her Icky”, the cause of her evilness is attributed to an evil bug that crawled up her butt.

Why does Mr Turner hate Dinkleberg?

Turner’s resentment is rooted in jealousy over the financial success Dinkleberg has experienced not having to raise a son. For instance, Dinkleberg is shown buying expensive things and directly attributing them to not having a son.

Did Timmy Turner real parents die?

In a post shared on Imgur, the theory suggests Cosmo and Wanda were actually just Timmy’s real pet fish who he imagined to be his godparents, while in reality the youngster’s godparents died in a car crash when he was little.

Is Timmy Turner actually 60?

Timothy Tiberius Turner (60 years) is Timmy after being aged 50 years due to his secret wish being found out by the Fairy Council….Timmy Turner (60 years old)

Personal Information
Turner family
Turner’s house Dimmsdale California

Why does Timmy Turner wear a pink hat?

In the case of Nickelodeon’s The Fairly OddParents, Timmy wore an iconic pink hat, which often subjected him to ridicule throughout the series’ 10 seasons. According to creator Butch Hartman, the only reason he wore a pink hat was because he ran out of blue ink.

Is Timmy Turner depressed?

On the case of Timmy Turner, he has none whatsoever. That makes his life the saddest, and made him that depressed to the point that he learned to improvise his own defense mechanism against society – which is the ‘fairy godparents”, Cosmo and Wanda.

Why is Crocker obsessed with fairies?

Another goal of his is getting back on everyone who mocked him and said: “fairies aren’t real.” His obsession for fairies is so intense that it is used to power up the entire Fairy World, as seen in “Crocker Shocker.” Although originally shown as a cruel, borderline insane megalomaniac, his personality has become more …

What is the story behind Fairly Odd Parents?

Set in the fictional town of Dimmsdale, California, The Fairly OddParents tells the story of a 10-year-old boy named Timmy Turner who is neglected by his parents and tortured by his babysitter, Vicky. One day, he is granted two fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, who grant his every wish to improve his miserable life.

Why does Timmy have two godparents?

One day after being tormented by Vicky, he threw his lucky Magic 9 ball at the wall in frustration, and Cosmo and Wanda emerged when the toy broke. The two fairies became Timmy’s “fairy godparents”, watching over him and granting wishes to make him less miserable.

Is Cosmo and Wanda Timmy’s real parents?

Cosmo and Wanda are Fairy Godparents of Timmy Turner. They later become actual parents with Poof in Season 6, who is considered Timmy’s godbrother.

How old is Cosmo and Wanda?

The Fairly OddParents is an American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. The series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda, and a malevolent 16-year-old babysitter named Vicky.

Did Wanda and Cosmo have the baby?

Poof Fairywinkle-Cosma is the son of Cosmo and Wanda, whose most notable spoken word is “Poof”, which Timmy decides upon as his name. He was born to Cosmo and Wanda in the episode, “Fairly Odd Baby” after his parents decided that they wanted to have a child despite the destruction that his father had caused as a baby.

Are Cosmo and Wanda dating?

They have been married for 9.850 years. They first met at a fairy diner where Cosmo was working as a waiter, according to their love song: Floating With You in the movie, School’s Out: The Musical. Cosmo and Wanda have a very loving relationship, despite arguing a lot, and love Timmy, Chloe, and Poof very much.

Is FOOP a boy or girl?

Who is Foop?

Foop Anti-Cosma-Anti-Fairywinkle
Gender: Male
Species: Anti-fairy
Age: Newborn
Eye color: Purple

Is Chloe Timmy’s sister?

Character. Much like the canon version of her, Chloe is over-achieving and enthusiastic, although not as much after being in Maine with her parents Clark and Connie Carmichael due to a conference of their jobs. She was born on the same day as Timmy and his twin sister, Timantha.

What is Vicky’s last name?


What race is Trixie Tang?


What does Vicky mean?

In Latin Baby Names the meaning of the name Vicky is: Victory; triumphant. Famous Bearer: Queen Victoria.

How did Cosmo give birth?

So I propose that because Cosmo was infertile, the wish created a fairy baby using both Wanda and Juandissimo’s genes and then transferred the embryo to Cosmo. tl;dr Cosmo was infertile. When Timmy wished for Poof, the magic ended up using Wanda and Wandisimo to make the baby.

Who was pregnant in Fairly Odd Parents?


Do fairies give birth?

Fae or sidhe are born after years of pregnancy, until one day the mother to be goes back in time, and births the child back to the very moment it were concieved. So often the woman suffer birth seconds after pleasure and conception, should she also conceive that she concieved.

Is Cosmo a girl Fairly OddParents?

Cosmo Julius Cosma is one of the main characters on the show. He is one of Timmy, and Chloe’s fairy godparents alongside his wife, Wanda, and his son, Poof.

What episode does Cosmo get pregnant?

Fairly OddBaby. Cosmo and Wanda are going to have a baby!

What do fairies do with babies?

Most often it was thought that fairies exchanged the children. In rare cases, the very elderly of the fairy people would be exchanged in the place of a human baby, so that the old fairy could live in comfort, being coddled by its human parents.

Common questions

Who does Timmy Turner marry?

Who does Timmy Turner marry?

After the release of A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner! however, Timmy and Tootie were made an official couple in adulthood (at one point even married, although this could’ve been a gag).

Are the fairies Timmy’s parents?

Information. Cosmo and Wanda are Fairy Godparents of Timmy Turner. They later become actual parents with Poof in Season 6, who is considered Timmy’s godbrother.

Who is VOR strangles godchild?

Winston is Jorgen Von Strangle and the Tooth Fairy’s godchild.

Does Vicky have a crush on Timmy?

Vicky is not considered to be emotional, but she has shown some occasional positive feelings and has even been nice to Timmy based on her own will: She has shown some love during her time with Ricky (The Odd Couple), her ex-boyfriend who dated her only for her money and broke up with her for someone richer.

Is there going to be A Fairly OddParents 3?

The Fairly Oddparents 3 is to be the sequel to the second film movie. Dark Lazor will be the main antagonist of the third film. The third movie will be released in 2026. three more films have been scheduled The Fairly Oddparents 4, The Fairly Oddparents 5, and final film The Fairly Oddparents 6.

Is the movie Fairly Odd a good movie?

Fairly Odd overall… Not that great of a choice for actors. Weird script and a weird ending. Good jokes though! Crocker was a bit of a weirdo which was a good fit I guess. The CGI was sub par at best. The ending didn’t have much of an impact really. Poof was funny.

What happens to Timmy in The Fairly OddParents?

Timmy wishes Dad was Mayor, but Timmy gets tortured by the paparazzi and risks having his fairies discovered. Error: please try again.

What was Chloe’s wish on Fairly OddParents?

Chloe wishes that her favorite cartoon characters, The Fair Bears, would come to life, but Timmy and Wanda aren’t happy with this wish./Foop, Dark Laser, and Mr. Crocker find out that Timmy is weak without his fairies and they try to get him while he’s weak. Error: please try again.