Who can sing higher Mariah or Ariana?

Who can sing higher Mariah or Ariana?

What I mean by that is the standard Ariana Grande is at now Mariah could have beat her she was a higher standard, octaves etc, however right now Ariana Grande has a better range of singing ability then Mariah Carey, and this is all to do with age, and overuse of vocal cords of Mariah Carey.

What singers have a 5 octave range?

Mariah Carey has thrilled and shocked audiences with her astounding voice for almost two decades. Wielding a 5 octave vocal range (G#2-G#7), few singers can match her skill, power or technique.

What is the hardest note to sing?

Lowest and Highest Sung Notes – Guinness World Record. The piano has 88 keys, the highest note playable is a high C, often referred to as C8. For a long time, Maria Carey was credited with the highest note – a G7 during a 2003 rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

Is Billie Eilish a soprano or alto?

Sounds of 2019: Billie Eilish. Billie Eilish is an artist, in every sense of the word. However, Billie Eilish's voice is unique – as a soprano, she sits above the standard female pop alto, something which gives her music an immediate dream-like quality, allowing her to create an atmospheric listening experience.

Which female singer has the highest vocal range?

Based on the findings, Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose has demonstrated the greatest vocal range in studio. Mariah Carey comes in second, followed by Prince, Aerosmith's Steven Tyler, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Christina Aguilera and David Bowie.

Which singer has biggest vocal range?

What makes a song hard to sing?

Fast-paced lyrics – Think a lullaby vs an Eminem song. Clearly saying the words fast enough can be really challenging. Really slow lyrics – Just like fast songs are tough, some would say that really slow songs are even tougher. Unfamiliar stylistic qualities – singers do way more than sing notes and words in a rhythm.