Who can say Cuh?

Who can say Cuh?

“Cousin (also meaning Friend or Brother)” is the most common definition for CUH on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram….Summary of Key Points.

Definition: Cousin (also meaning Friend or Brother)
Type: Word and Abbreviation
Guessability: 3: Guessable
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

Can bloods say cuz?

“Cuz” ~ Probaly the most common word used by Crip members, very often when greeting one another or talking about someone. “Slob”~ the most common be disrespectful term a Crip uses describing a member of the bloods. Anagram and play on the letters in the word “blood”.

What is Takuache?

Tlacuache or takuache is the Spanish word for possum. However, “takuache” is also a slang term for a group of people that love three things — dropped trucks, burnouts, and the truck meet life style.

What do bloods call each other?

Bloods members also have a distinctive slang. They greet each other using the word “Blood” and often avoid using words with the letter “C”. Bloods use hand signs to communicate with one another.

Do bloods say SuWoop?

A common greeting among Bloods members is “SuWoop!” (representing a police siren) and members will often say “Blaat!” (representing the sound of automatic gunfire) to announce their presence. 25 Coded language used by the Bloods is often unique to the set and varies with location.

Why do Bloods wipe their nose?

To the average person, seeing someone wipe the tip of his nose, then the sides with his left index finger and thumb might mean “I have an itch.” Or possibly “I have a cold.” But to a member of the Bloods gang, according to court filings, it could mean “I don’t trust him.”

What do Bloods stand for?

It’s popularly said the name Bloods is an acronym for “Brotherly Love Overcomes Overrides and Destruction.” However, the Bloods, given their origins as a counter-Crip alliance, likely take their name from 1960s slang, blood, short for blood brother, referring to a “fellow (young) black person.”

Is it dangerous to wear red in LA?

Generally speaking, don’t wear red in almost ANY area of the city’s areas that has a gang presence (all the Mexican gangs [especially those affiliated with the Mexican Mafia/Surenos] and the Crips rep blue [hence why you see many cholos wearing Dodgers gear], and their arch-enemies typically wear red) .

What colors should you not wear in LA?

Probably best to avoid wearing red or blue in public. It could be extremely dangerous. Be careful out there and best of luck. If you’re new to LA, welcome!

Do Crips wear green?

Some Blood and Crip sets wear green in combination with their usual colors. The Vagos motorcycle gang also wears green bandanas. A green bandana / flag is worn by the Bay Area Crips (BAC ) on the left pocket. If it’s a dark green color then it could represent a certain Blood or Crip set.

Is YoungBoy a Crip or Blood?

Is NBA YoungBoy a Bloods Gang Member? Possibly. While it’s highly speculated that he is even a gang member at all, he may be a part of the Bloods through the set he allegedly leads in LA called 4KT. There isn’t necessarily one way to rise up in the loosely-structured ranks of the Bloods nationally.

Why do some Bloods wear green?

When Bloods want to flag up, they typically will wear a lot of red to show their affiliation. Though red may be the “trademark” color, there are other colors that Bloods might wear. Some sets will also wear green as a way to represent African roots. Female-only Blood gangs may wear pink, while others may wear grey.

What rappers are in BD?

Top 10 Black Disciples Rappers – YouTube

  • JP BIN LADEN. [ 00:13]
  • PRINCE DRE. [ 00:35]
  • KENNY MAC. [ 00:59]
  • TRAY SAVAGE. [ 01:51]
  • FREDO SANTANA. [ 02:40]

Why do Bloods wear green?