Who Born in Germany is?

Who Born in Germany is?

A person born of a parent with German citizenship at the time of the child's birth is a German citizen. Place of birth is not a factor in citizenship determination based on parentage. Those born after 1 January 1975 are Germans if the mother or father is a German citizen.

What do Germans call the US?

In truth, German uses both “USA” and “die Vereinigten Staaten”, but the abbreviation is of course simpler, and they use the English one (since it's one of several accepted and internationally recognised abbreviations), rather than using an acronym of the German term, “die VS”, which I don't think anyone would

Why was the German army called the Bosch?

Boche is a French slang word for 'rascal' first applied to German soldiers during World War One, and borrowed during the early years of that conflict into British English. Bosche is a rarer English alternative spelling. The word was first used in the phrase tête de boche.