
Who are the Warlocks MC enemies?

Who are the Warlocks MC enemies?

Rivals of The Warlocks are Iron Order MC, Renegades MC, and Highwaymen MC. The Warlocks are mostly an East Coast group with some international chapters in Canada, Germany, and England.

Who are the rivals of the Hells Angels?

The Mongols don’t have the same nationwide influence as the Outlaws or Hells Angels, but in Southern California they’re as feared as anyone. Thanks to longstanding ties to the region’s street gangs, the Mongols seized control of SoCal from the Hells Angels in the 80s and have yet to relinquish it.

Are warlocks and Outlaws enemies?

Warlocks MC (Florida) are enemies. The Outlaws are tied to the murder of a Warlocks Chapter President.

What’s a warlock motorcycle?

Instead, the “Warlock motorcycle” seems to simply be a modified Harley-Davidson Electra Glide, as such as those used by many police departments. Apparently, Harley themselves tricked out the bike, according to Dax’s desire for “Sylvester Stallone’s Mercury from Cobra…in motorcycle form.

How long has the Angel motorcycle club been around?

No matter which side of the fence you are, you really don’t want to mess with the Angels. They’ve been around for some 70 years. From their humble beginnings in the suburbs of 1940s Chicago, the club has grown to have a presence across some 56 countries in 5 continents.

Where are the Hells Angels and Mongols at?

Hells Angels have a long-standing beef with Mongols M.C. over southern California turf. Their most recent clash was at a gas station in Cleaveland, Ohio. On the Canadian border, Hells Angels don’t go along well with Outlaws M.C.

Who are the owners of the Hells Angels?

HELLS ANGELS®, HAMC®, and the Death Heads (winged skull logos)® are trademarks owned by Hells Angels Motorcycle Corporation, registered and/or applications pending in the United States, Europe, China and many other countries. No copying of the Death Heads or any content here is permitted. Unauthorized reproduction is punishable by law.

Who are the enemies of the Hells Angels?

Gremium MC are an enemy of the club. Gremium MC has a significant presence in Germany. Outlaws MC are a well known enemy of the Hells Angels. By default the Outlaws MC official support club, the Black Pistons MC is also an enemy.