Who are more successful educated or uneducated?

Who are more successful educated or uneducated?

You can be successful in life even without being educated but education helps you to evolve, prepares you and moulds you and develops your thinking ability. Hence, In my opinion an uneducated person can also be successful but it is always better to be educated in some or the other way and in some field or other.

Is education really the key to success?

Yes, education is the key to success: Education makes us aware of knowledge, skills, ethics that has been there in the world which we learn as it helps us to progress and develops further. No doubt that to be successful hard work is must but without education, it will not yield any results.

What famous person did not go to college?

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg all left college before they could collect their diplomas. Peter Thiel even encourages talented students to drop out of college by funding a scholarship that awards recipients with $100,000 if they quit.

Does college help you succeed in life?

You'll Gain the Ability to Make Better Decisions. Interestingly enough, a college education can help you become a savvier, more informed consumer. College doesn't only provide book knowledge to help you succeed in a particular field, it also teaches critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.

Is studying everything in life?

If this is your definition of an ideal life, then yes, studies is indeed every damn thing in life. There are millions of other career choices, other than education to be successful and live a luxurious life. Remember, education is optional but knowledge is mandatory.

Is education really important?

Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge.

What happens if you dont study?

If you will don't study then you will achieve nothing in life because without gyan you can't do anything in life. The Brainliest Answer! IF U DON'T STUDY THEN U WON'T BE ABLE TO ACHIEVE UR GOALS IN UR LIFE AND NO ONE WILL VALUE U.