
Which way should American flag face?

Which way should American flag face?

When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag’s own right, that is, to the observer’s left. When displayed in a window, the American flag should be displayed in the same way, with the union or blue field to the left of the observer in the street.

How fast can you drive with a flag?

How fast can you drive a flag? Our aero dynamic design has been tested at 65 miles an hour. One of the great things about our flag pole being almost 8’ft tall, is that the flag is over the roof of most vehicles and will still fly even when you’re going very slow. Slow fast doesn’t matter…

Is it legal to fly the American flag upside down?

The FBI rep said there is no law against flying the flag upside down. The Flag Code clearly states that the American flag is not to be flown upside down “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.”

Is it legal to fly an American flag on your truck?

In most cases, there is nothing illegal about these flags and they are easily found in several locations attached to personal vehicles. Most commonly these flags are mounted to the beds of trucks or just above a vehicle’s doors and do not pose a safety issue.

What side do you fly the American flag on a truck?

A single flag should fly from the right (passenger) side of the vehicle. If two flags are displayed, it’s okay to put one on each side, but they should be mounted at the same height and be hung in the same way. The flag should be displayed with the stars in the upper left-hand corner, with an important exception.

When should an American flag be retired?

According to the United States Flag Code, Title 4, Section 8k, the flag should be retired when it is in such condition that is “no longer a fitting emblem for display” and should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning it.