Which two factors will increase the rate of a streams flow?

Which two factors will increase the rate of a streams flow?

Natural factors include the gradient (or steepness) of the streambed since that affects the speed of the flow of water. Rainfall and snowmelt affect the amount of water in a stream as well as the speed of the flow.

What factors affect the volume of stream discharge?

There are several factors that affect stream discharge. The velocity of the water affects it; faster water means more passes per second so more discharge. The width and depth of the river also affects it; a larger river at the same speed will have higher discharge.

What does a stream represent?

In literature as in life, cities and towns often spring up on riverbanks, seemingly brought to life by the river's movement. The source of the river, typically small mountain streams, depicts the beginnings of life and its meeting with the ocean symbolises the end of life.

Where is the discharge of a stream greatest?

Stream Processes. Stream velocity is the speed of the water in the stream. Units are distance per time (e.g., meters per second or feet per second). Stream velocity is greatest in midstream near the surface and is slowest along the stream bed and banks due to friction.