Which plant whose roots store food for future use?

Which plant whose roots store food for future use?

Solution. Turnip, Sweet potato & Tapioca use their roots to store food for future use.

Which plants store food in their stem?

The plants which store food in their stem are cactus, bamboo, pineapple, potato, ginger, onion, banana, etc. Note: The underground modification of stem is called rhizome. It is a fleshy and horizontal stem found below the surface of the soil.

Which plants store food in their fruits?

Plants can store the starch in these places: leaves (cabbage, spinach, lettuce) fruit (apples, banana, peaches) stem (sugar cane)…

Plant Part that we eat
sugar cane stem
hazelnuts seed
mealies seed
bananas fruit

Which plants store food in their seeds?

Some of the plants store food in their seeds. We eat the seeds of these plants as food. For eg: wheat, rice Maize, millet, Peas, pulses, mustard, groundnut, soyabean. Groundnut and mustard seeds are called oilseeds because they are used to extract edible oils which are used for cooking food.

What are the five plants and their parts that we eat?

Parts of plants that we eat

Plant Consumable parts of the Plant
Spinach, cabbage, lettuce, etc. Leaves
Cauliflower, Broccoli, sunflower etc. Flower
Apple, orange, banana, etc. Fruits
Rice, maize, wheat, etc Seeds

Which part of the plant is eaten as food?

When we eat asparagus, we are eating the stem of the plant. When we eat spinach or lettuce, we are eating the plant’s leaves. We eat the fruit of squash, cucumber and tomato plants. When we eat corn or peas we are eating seeds, and when we eat radish or carrot, we are eating roots.

Which part of banana plant is edible?

The mesocarp is the middle part of the banana fruit. The mesocarp extends up to the innermost portion of the fruit which is called the endocarp. The endocarp is the portion which is eaten. The endocarp is the innermost part of the fruit and it bears seeds.

Is banana a medicinal plant?

All parts of the banana plant have medicinal applications: the flowers in bronchitis and dysentery and on ulcers; cooked flowers are given to diabetics; the astringent plant sap in cases of hysteria, epilepsy, leprosy, fevers, hemorrhages, acute dysentery and diarrhea, and it is applied on hemorrhoids, insect and other …

Can you eat a banana flower?

Banana flowers (aka banana blossoms) are exactly what their name suggests: the blossoms from a banana tree. They’re a completely edible delicacy and can be found fresh at roadside stands and farmers markets, wherever bananas are grown, but are especially prevalent in Asia.

Is a banana a root?

The root system of banana plants begins as a single rhizome that puts out suckers, which form new plants to replace the dying main plant after it fruits. The rhizome, suckers and their fibrous roots form a mass of roots known as the mat.

Which type of root is found in sweet potato?

adventitious roots

What is a tap root examples?

Some examples of plants that have a tap root system include carrot, mustard, radish, turnip, beetroot, parsley, coriander, etc. Some plants with fibrous root systems include grasses, wheat, rice, corn, rosemary, coconut, etc.

What vegetables are tap roots?

Examples of common edible taproots include:

  • Carrots,
  • radishes,
  • turnips,
  • beets.

Do potatoes have tap root?

The potato is a starchy, red or brown skinned, underground stem called a tuber. Natural potato plants produce a tap root system that is difficult to harvest. Cultivated potatoes, in contrast, have fibrous root systems that are more easily removed from soil, making potato harvesting less difficult.