
Which of the following is the most reactive?

Which of the following is the most reactive?

Fluorine is the most reactive element among the given elements.

Which among the following is most reactive to give nucleophilic addition?

FCH2​CHO is most reactive towards nucleophilic addition since presence of most electronegative F withdraws electron from carbon of carbonyl group making it more polar.

Why CH3CHO is more reactive than CH3COCH3?

Because the positive charge on carbonyl carbon of CH3CHO decreases to a lesser extent due to one electron releasing +I effect CH3 group as compared to CH3COCH3 two electron releasing CH3 group and hence more reactive.

Which aldehyde is more reactive with HCN?


Why acetaldehyde is more reactive than acetone towards electrophilic substitution reaction?

Why is acetaldehyde more reactive than acetone towards nucleophilic addition reactions ? Acetone is less reactive towards nucleophilic addition reactions as compared to acetadehyde due to greater-I effect of the two -CH3 group and also greater steric hindrance offered to the attacking nucleophile.

Why formaldehyde is more reactive than acetaldehyde?

Secondly , CH3 group in acetaldehyde decreases the positive charge on cabonyl carbon by +I effect to some extect which is not so in the case of formaldehyde, Since , Nu attack is favourable with more positive charge and less hinderance at carbonyl carbon , hence we conclude that formaldehyde is more reactive than …

Why are aldehydes more reactive towards nucleophiles?

Aldehydes are usually more reactive toward nucleophilic substitutions than ketones because of both steric and electronic effects. In aldehydes, the relatively small hydrogen atom is attached to one side of the carbonyl group, while a larger R group is affixed to the other side.

Which carbonyl is more reactive?

The partial positive charge on an aldehyde carbonyl carbon is less stable than the partial positive charge on a ketone carbonyl carbon. Again, aldehydes are more reactive than ketones.