Which narrator knows least about what all the characters are thinking?

Which narrator knows least about what all the characters are thinking?

In third-person limited narration, the narrator still exists outside the events of the story, but does not know the motivations or thoughts of all the characters.

In which type of point of view does the narrator know everything about everything?

omniscient narratorThe omniscient narrator knows everything about the story and its characters. This third person narrator can enter anyone's mind, move freely through time, and give the reader their own opinions and observations as well as those of the characters.

How do you know if a narrator is omniscient?

Omniscient Point of View – When a narrator has knowledge about all the characters in a narrative, it is an omniscient, or all-knowing, point of view. Limited Omniscient Point of View – In limited omniscient point of view, a narrator has limited knowledge of just one character, leaving other major or minor characters.