Which Harry Potter House is the rarest?

Which Harry Potter House is the rarest?


What is the hardest Hogwarts house to get into?


Why was Hermione not Ravenclaw?

And this is why Hermione does not fit into Ravenclaw, since she lacks their creativity of thought. When you also add in her fearlessness and her strong convictions about right and wrong, which are inherently Gryffindor traits, then there was even less of a chance she’d end up wearing blue and bronze.

Which Harry Potter House is the smartest?

Ravenclaw house

Which Hogwarts house is the least popular?


Why is hufflepuff hated?

Originally Answered: Why do people hate Hufflepuff in Harry Potter? Hufflepuff isn’t well represented, and is not well-defined. It’s easy to simplify the houses-Gryffindor is the daring house, Slytherin is the ruthless house, Ravenclaw is the smart house, and Hufflepuff is the nice house.

What is the easiest Hogwarts house to get into?

Which Harry Potter House is the best?


What made Harry Potter so special?

Harry Potter is partially popular because of the brilliant writing by J.K. Rowling and the scriptwriters for the movies. Another factor in its popularity is that it portrays its protagonist as searching for and eventually embracing power. In other words, Harry Potter is popular because people can relate to it.

Is Ravenclaw a good house?

Ravenclaws are creative and independent. They value logic and can find innovative solutions to problems. They observe and take in all that they see. Admittedly, the coolest part about Ravenclaw is the entrance to their common room: You have to answer a riddle to get in.

Who is the most famous Ravenclaw?

Famous Ravenclaws through the ages

  • Rowena Ravenclaw. ‘Fair Ravenclaw, from glen’ was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, known for her outstanding intelligence and creativity.
  • Luna Lovegood.
  • Garrick Ollivander.

Who is the most powerful Ravenclaw?

Harry Potter: 5 Most Powerful Ravenclaw Wizards (& 5 Worst)

  1. 1 Worst: Sybill Trelawney.
  2. 2 Most Powerful: Rowena Ravenclaw.
  3. 3 Worst: Marietta Edgecombe.
  4. 4 Most Powerful: Ignatia Wildsmith.
  5. 5 Worst: Moaning Myrtle.
  6. 6 Most Powerful: Quirinus Quirrell.
  7. 7 Worst: Uric The Oddball.
  8. 8 Most Powerful: Garrick Ollivander.

Can ravenclaws be evil?

Being the most resourceful and clever of villains, an evil Slytherin would probably be the most difficult to combat. Turn a Ravenclaw evil and they may become mad scientists. Ravenclaws will also be loyal or brave or disloyal or cowardly. They may be ambitious or they may be very laid back.

Do Slytherins hate ravenclaws?

Slytherin – Ravenclaw Slytherins are generally distrusted by Ravenclaws, who are in turn accused of being excessively competitive and bookish: Well, you’ve probably heard about the Slytherins. They’re not all bad, but you’d do well to be on your guard until you know them well.

Are slytherins smarter than ravenclaws?

In the case of Slytherin and Ravenclaw, the latter represents the element of Water and the former the the element of Air, so I’d say Slytherins are generally more emotionally clever, as they “think” with the Heart, whilst Ravenclaws are more intellectual because they think with the Mind.

Which is better Slytherin or Ravenclaw?

Slytherins value traditions, ambition, resourcefulness, self-preservation. Ravenclaws value intelligence, wit, wisdom, creativity, individuality, originality. I’m a Slytherin, but Ravenclaw is a close second.

Can I be Slytherin and Ravenclaw?

All in all, a relationship between a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw is a delicate balancing act that requires compromise. If they can learn to navigate one another’s needs and goals, however, they’ll be a power couple the likes of which Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston could only dream of.

Do gryffindors and ravenclaws get along?

Gryffindors make a good match for each other, as clearly evidenced by Ron and Hermione. A Gryffindor-Ravenclaw match produce a balanced relationship, but a Gryffindor may be put off by a Ravenclaw’s risk-averse and independent demeanor.

Which is better Gryffindor or Ravenclaw?

If you have qualities of Gryffindor and Slytherin, but you care more about being brave than ambitious, choose Gryffindor. If you’re intelligent and loyal, but you care more for intelligence, choose Ravenclaw.

Can a Hufflepuff date a Slytherin?

Gentle Hufflepuff may seem like an odd match with cunning Slytherin, but that’s not to say these two couldn’t work out. In fact, a Slytherin could give their Hufflepuff partner the confidence and encouragement they need to pursue their dreams.

Why do Slytherins hate gryffindors?

But for usual lore, there is no reason they really “hate” each other besides traditional rivalry. Also, Slytherin is a symbol of conservative value in western culture, and gryffindor represents the more progressive movement- which is why the two groups are often at odds.

How do I know if I am a Ravenclaw?

In short: People who get really into whatever they’re into. Since Ravenclaws are by nature inquisitive and analytical, seeking to understand something from as many angles as possible, it makes a lot of sense that they would be nerdy. (Fie on anyone who claims that’s a bad thing.)

What makes you a Ravenclaw?

Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Students in Ravenclaw are noted for their individuality and acceptance of people and things that others would consider weird, as well as their outstanding intelligence.

What is the most common Patronus for a Ravenclaw?

Occamy patronus

What if Harry was in Ravenclaw?

For Harry to be sorted into Ravenclaw his traits and values would change so he would probably not go after Voldemort . If your saying that he kept his traits and values and somehow got sorted into Ravenclaw then he wouldn’t fit in and he would probably not save the wizarding world.