
Which country has the most blondes in the world?

Which country has the most blondes in the world?

Top 10 countries with the most pure blonde hair: 1. Finland 58% , 2. Sweden 54%, 3. Norway 48%, 4.

What percent of the world is blonde and blue eyes?

I can’t really be too sure whether or not they “admire” it as being different or exotic, despite that fact that a clear minority of the population has one or both of these features–the percentage of people in the U.S. with naturally blonde hair is roughly 12%, and the percentage of Americans with blue eyes is about 17 …

How many brunettes are in the world?

75-84% of the world’s population has naturally black or dark-brown hair (depending on the study). 2. Brown hair comes in as the second-most common hair color in the world, with 11% of the population being naturally brunette.

What percentage of the US is blonde?

A study conducted in 2003 concluded that only four percent of American adults are naturally blond. A significant majority of Caucasian women (perhaps as high as three in four) dye their hair blond, a significantly higher percentage than for any other hair color.

What color eyes do blondes have?

blue eyes
As the population grows and people have babies, the genes for less melanin will become more common. That makes the link between lighter eyes, hair, and skin tighter. So that’s why you see people with blond hair typically have blue eyes!

What countries have the most natural blondes?

Some sources, such as Eupedia, claim that in central parts of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland, 80% of the population is blonde, with natural fair-haired people in other Baltic Countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and other parts of Scandinavia) making up 50-79% of the population.

Is blonde curly hair rare?

Lots of traits are statistically rare: Left-handedness (just 10 percent of the population!), curly hair (11 percent!), and blond hair (4 percent!), to name a few. But of the more than seven billion people on the planet, only 2 percent can claim to have this one special trait.

Why is blonde hair so thin?

Why Is Blonde Hair So Thin? While non-blonde hair tends to have a scalp density of around 100,000 strands of hair, blonde hair averages at about 140,000 strands of hair… that’s a big difference. It’s that higher hair density that makes blonde hair thinner than other natural colors.