Which cameras do focus stacking?

Which cameras do focus stacking?

What is Panasonic Focus Stacking? Panasonic was one of the first manufacturers to introduce a built-in focus stacking mode in its cameras. An extension of its 4K Photo and Post Focus modes, Panasonic's Focus Stacking feature works by shooting a brief 4K video of your scene.

Can capture one do focus stacking?

Helicon Focus plugin for Capture One provides a fully automatic roundtrip workflow to Helicon Focus from within Capture One. The built-in focus stacking feature of Phase One XF Camera System combined with this plugin provides a simple and easy workflow for creation of stunning images with infinite depth of field.

What does focus stacking mean?

Focus stacking (also known as focal plane merging and z-stacking or focus blending) is a digital image processing technique which combines multiple images taken at different focus distances to give a resulting image with a greater depth of field (DOF) than any of the individual source images.