Which alcohol is best fuel?

Which alcohol is best fuel?

The first four alcohols, (in order of carbon content) methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol, are of greatest interest for fuel use as their chemical properties make them useful in internal combustion engines.

Why do boats use alcohol stoves?

Alcohol stoves have been common on production sailboats and powerboats for decades. Alcohol is a relatively safe fuel that, when liquid, does not explode. Its fires can be put out with water, but it has low heat content, burns with a sort of offensive odor and gives off a lot of water when it burns.

How long will an alcohol stove burn?

The vapors escape from a ring of small holes to create a nice even fire. The flame ignites the vapors, not the liquid fuel. Two ounces of alcohol will burn for 10-15 minutes depending on the type of alcohol you are burning.

Can you use Coleman fuel in an alcohol stove?

NO THEY CAN'T!! Those higher-carbon count fuels burn much hotter than alcohols such as methanol, ethanol or isopropanol (the three most common fuels used in alcohol stoves). This burns much hotter than alcohol so the Coleman fuel ends up vaporizing much quicker and in higher volume. To quickly for the stove to handle.

Can you use rubbing alcohol in an alcohol stove?

Typical alcohol stoves use either Methyl (methanol), Denatured or even Grain alcohol to operate, however, Isopropyl fuels are not recommended in ordinary alcohol stoves. Although, some sites say that 91% Isopropyl alcohol can work in a pinch, but still advise to stay away from 70% Isopropyl.

What can you cook on a trangia?

Denatured alcohol burns very clean and is a good choice for indoor use. However, great caution must be used because the flame is not easily visible. The stoves work well, however, we are concerned about the safety of using them indoors. They produce a large open flame.

How much fuel does a trangia take?

Trangia stoves consume about 32g of fuel to boil a litre of water. On an extended camping trip, you will need to carry about a litre of methylated spirits between 2 people for each week you wish to camp out. A litre of metho weighs about 700g.

Can you use petrol in a trangia?

Trangia stoves can be adapted to burn many different fuel types including methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, isobutane, white gas, kerosene, jet fuel, and gasoline. This makes it highly adaptable for traveling in many different climates and conditions all over the globe. Stock Trangia burners burn fuel alcohol.

What is the cleanest burning alcohol?

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol) is what we consume in beer, wine, and liquor. Pure ethanol burns the cleanest of any fuel, but is expensive and hard to find.

How much does a trangia cost?

For instance, the basic burner is about $24, a burner plus pot-stand is $32, and the light-weight mini-Trangia is a complete cooking system for one and costs just $52, significantly less than the MSR burner alone ($65). Also keep in mind that Trangia comes with a wind shield.

Can you use a trangia indoors?

Can I use my Trangia stove indoors? My pot/pan has melted, how could this happen? If you “dry cook”, as in place the pot/pans over the flame without any food, liquid or food fat, it will quickly become too hot and the pot/pans can melt.

Can you burn white gas in an alcohol stove?

Patience is a virtue when it comes to cooking with an alcohol stove. Alcohol fuel contains approximately half the energy by weight of white gas or butane/propane. Most white gas and canister stoves can boil a pint of water in under three minutes.

What is the best alcohol stove?

NO. This is really really dangerous – the phrase "White Spirit" (NOT spirits) means one thing in the UK and different things in other places. If you are not in the UK they "White Spirit" could mean something like gasoline/naptha – do not put this in a trangia-style burner unless you like playing with explosives.

Can you use methylated spirits in an alcohol stove?

Methylated Spirits or denatured alcohol is a preferred fuel for this stove, although other forms of alcohol-type liquids can be used. Methylated Spirits is relatively cheap, easy to transport and relatively safe to use.

What’s the difference between trangia 25 and 27?

There are currently 3 different Trangia models , manufactured in 3 different materials. The 25 series is the largest, designed for 3-4 people. The 27 series, designed for 1-2 people. The 28 series, or "the mini Trangia" as its commonly known, designed for the solo adventurer.

What can I use instead of fondue fuel?

Of the ones I've seen, most take "fondue fuel", which is basically methanol. A simple methanol burner should also work with ethanol (either 95% denatured rubbing alcohol, or 95% neutral grain spirits such as Everclear, although the latter would be rather expensive to use as fuel).

Can you burn isopropyl alcohol?

Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) is an acceptable cooking fuel. The higher the percentage of alcohol, the better the alcohol will burn. Isopropyl alcohol produces a yellow sooty flame and does not burn as cleanly as the above fuels. Remember that any flame can produce carbon monoxide.

How do you use a trangia alcohol stove?

Remove the lid off the brass burner unit and pour in some methylated spirits (denatured alcohol) Never more than 3/4 full! Replace the lid immediately. Put the burner carefully in the centre of the windshield and put the second windshield in place. Light a match and hold it into the burner.

How do you use a trangia gas stove?

Light the Trangia: Hold the match just above the methylated spirit and the fumes will ignite. If your flame gets too hot, use the reducer ring to limit the size of your flame. To light the gas, open the valve and hold a match just above the burner. You can adjust the flame size, by using the gas valve.

How do you use a mini trangia stove?

The first four aliphatic alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol) are of interest as fuels because they can be synthesized chemically or biologically, and they have characteristics which allow them to be used in internal combustion engines. The general chemical formula for alcohol fuel is CnH2n+1OH.

What is denatured alcohol called in Canada?

Denatured alcohol is ethanol with something added (often methanol) to make it poisonous and undrinkable. Depending on what you are using it for, you might instead try methyl hydrate, which is basically methanol. It's readily available at Canadian Tire and hardware stores.

How does a trangia spirit burner work?

Fuel is poured into the burner and ignited. The heat from the flame causes the fuel to vaporize, forcing it out of 23 or 24 jets around the top of the burner, and producing a steady cooking flame. Alternative burners are available allowing gas cartridges or white gasoline to fuel the Trangia.

What is a spirit stove?

Type of: cooking stove, kitchen range, kitchen stove, range, stove. a kitchen appliance used for cooking food.

Is bioethanol the same as methylated spirits?

Methylated Spirits is a blended form of ethanol. They are three main formulations of Methylated Spirits that are commonly used as burner fuel and is sold and labelled as either "Methylated Spirits" , "Bio-Ethanol" or "Ethanol Burner Fuel".

What do you put in a spirit burner?

Fill the lamp with a suitable fuel: denatured or ethyl alcohol (also called ethyl alcohol, ethanol or ethyl hydrate) with an alcohol content of 90% or higher. You can also used isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol with an alcohol content of 90% or higher.

Can you use methyl hydrate fondue fuel?

Methyl hydrate for use with any model of alcohol stove. Versatile fuel, also used for making fondue or cleaning paint brushes when at home.

How long does trangia fuel last?

Jetboil or other gas stoves last for 7-10 days on a single canister and you are thinking of going back to a trangia for weight reasons? Surely not as far as I can see they have no redeeming features except maybe when travelling overseas – finding metho would be easier than finding a gas canister.

What can you burn in a trangia?

But it is good to use the Multi-disc as a lid to conserve heat afterwards. Can you clean the Trangia stove and other parts in the dishwasher? No. Dishwasher detergent is too strong and causes unsightly stains and a rough surface on aluminum.

What is the difference between trangia 25 and 27?

What fuel can I use in a trangia?

How heavy is a trangia?

The entire package weighs just 330 grams (12 oz), according to Trangia's website. The Mini Trangia is much more portable than the standard-sized Trangia and is even lighter than most liquid-fuelled, pressure stoves (which don't include pots or pans in the weight).

How do you use a trangia?

Trangia produces a multi-fuel burner that can use naptha aka white gas aka camp fuel, gasoline, diesel, kersone or jet fuel along with isobutane canisters. This unit basically does all fuels except for alcohol.

How do alcohol stoves work?

They work by channeling the vaporized fuel and then shooting it out the burner holes where they combust. They produce a flame reminiscent of a home gas burner. They can be finicky to light as you have to prime the stove by burning a small amount of fuel and waiting a minute or so for the jets to ignite.

How do you use the trangia spirit burner?

For a spirit burner, fill up with methylated spirits and place in the hole in the base. And for a gas burner, fit into the base and attach to the gas canister. 3. Light the Trangia: Hold the match just above the methylated spirit and the fumes will ignite.

What is a trangia stove?

Trangia is a line of alcohol-burning portable stoves manufactured by Swedish company Trangia AB in Trångsviken. These stoves are designed primarily for backpackers, with a focus on light weight, durability and simple design.