Where is Vingalmo in Skyrim?

Where is Vingalmo in Skyrim?

Castle Volkihar

Can you bring valerica back to Skyrim?

After the Dragonborn kills Harkon, it is possible to travel back to the Soul Cairn and tell her Harkon is dead. She will return to her study about a day later. The Corridor cannot be repaired if the Dragonborn sides with the Dawnguard.

How long does serana take to cure?

I forgot to mention that when she is off to Morthal to get her cure from Falion, you need to wait 3 days game for her to come back to Dawnguard Fort. She will show up, just sit tight and you will see her sitting in the main lobby waiting for you.

Can you turn serana into a werewolf?

nope, she’s just a normal follower now. You could probably use one of 2 mods to make her one. Third, set up transformations by choosing Follower Options>Combat>Use Vampire Lord/Werewolf>select when to transform. …

Who is stronger werewolf or vampire in Twilight?

We all know vampires are extremely strong and fast, but werewolves are faster and stronger and they have the advantage of being pack hunters – so rarely hunt alone. …

Who would win a werewolf or vampire?

Whilst Vampires have a longer list of vulnerability, the Werewolves primal reactions and thoughts would never allow it to take advantage of them. So whilst a Werewolf is stronger and harder to kill, A Vampires intellect, speed and resilience would definitely be a great advantage.

Should I accept Harkon’s gift?

If you choose to accept Harkon’s gift, you may die when he bites you and be forced to go back to your last save. Before talking to Harkon, use the console commands setstage DLC1VQ02 40 followed by setstage DLC1VQ02 180 . Talk to him and he will say that you have forsaken his gift, but will offer it to you again.

Can you become a vampire werewolf hybrid in Skyrim?

It is possible to become a Vampire Lord/Werewolf hybrid.

Are hybrids stronger than vampires?

Hybrids. Non-Original werewolf-vampire Hybrids have an extremely high degree of super strength. Newly formed, they are stronger than werewolves and some (younger) non-Original vampires. They have a head start in strength due to their werewolf heritage.