Where is the item shop in Traverse Town?

Where is the item shop in Traverse Town?

You will spend a lot of time in Traverse Town because of the Accessory Shop, the large building in the center of this First District. Go south of the aforementioned shop to find the Item Shop located next to the steps.

Where are all the postcards in Kingdom Hearts 1?

Here’s where they are:

  • Climb to the roof of the Accessory Shop.
  • Hit the fan in the Item Shop.
  • Blue Trinity near the Item Shop in District 1.
  • Crack open the blue safe in District 1 after finishing the area the first time.
  • Jump up to the awning of the shoe store in District 2.

How do you open the secret chest in Traverse Town?

yes you can open the chest on both levels. In taverse town you have to put all the candle(blizzard) and it will open.

How do you get the Ultima Weapon in KH1?

Obtained: The Ultima Weapon must be created in the Synthesis Workshop in Traverse Town. The player must synthesize all 30 items in the workshop for the Ultima Weapon to become unlocked.

Can you go back to Hollow Bastion?

To get here, enter the new warp point that’s appeared on the map near Traverse Town. Thankfully, the route through the Bastion is just a little simpler this time around. Enter the double doors at the main gate and bear left up the stairs to the Library, just like before.

Where is the hidden room in Cave of Wonders?

The Hidden Room is a small room full of water. There is a large pillar standing in the center of the room, and there are two levels. The upper level is reached through the upper door in the Silent Chamber, while the water-filled part of the room is reached through the lower door.

Where are the Dalmatian puppies in Kingdom Hearts?

Secrets – Dalmatian Quest Pongo and Perdy’s 99 puppies are lost throughout the various worlds, and Sora can earn some valuable rewards by finding all of them. The Dalmatians are located in sets of 3, 33 sets in all, mostly in treasure chests located throughout every world.

What does the yellow Trinity do in Agrabah?

The pillar allows you to access the upper part of the same room where you shoot a wobbly pillar with fire in order to get to Jafar in the Cave of Wonders. In the upper part, there is a statue with a red gem on it.

How do you get a Dalmatian in the guillotine Square?

In Guillotine Square, head toward the two big, glowing Jack ‘o Lanterns on the wall to the left. Use the High Jump ability on the wall to the right to grab onto the ledge. Open the chest on the ledge to get a Power Up. Now, glide off the platform and into the gray pumpkin’s mouth.

How do you build a chest in Halloween Town?

Traverse Town Use Trinity Push #2 around the backside to reach a Chest with an AP up .

Where are the Dalmatians in Halloween Town?

Page actions

Dalmatians Abilities Needed Chest Location
Traverse Town
Halloween Town
40, 41, 42 Glide On a platform on the left in the Bridge area just before reaching Oogie Boogie’s Manor
64, 65, 66 None A secret doorway to the left of the hovering platform in Moonlight Hill after defeating Oogie Boogie

How do you unlock the Hades cup?

Complete the Phil Cup, Pegasus Cup, and Hercules Cup, and lock the Keyhole at Hollow Bastion. Unlocked after finishing the second visit to Hollow Bastion. The Hades Cup is the fourth and longest-running tournament at Olympus Coliseum in Kingdom Hearts.

How do I make a Stopga?

You have to complete the Pooh’s Swing minigame in 100 Hundred Arce Wood to get the Stopga spell.

What level should I be to beat Kurt Zisa?

User Info: JCBtheDirector. As long as both your Strength and your Defense are least 40 points each, you should be able to do it, though with lots of difficulty. I fought Kurt Zisa at level 60, having never heard of him, and got stomped. Later on, in another file, I fought him at level 90, and barely won.

How long does Stopra last?

Stopra is a Basic magic command that takes up one slot in the Command Deck, has a maximum level of 3, a reload time of 10 seconds, and fills the Command Gauge by 8%. The duration of the Stop effect is six seconds.

How do you beat the Phantom?

To defeat Phantom, you’ll have to disable power conduits, removing the stage-lights that fuel Phantom’s ghostly invincibility. Like other bosses, he’ll summon a constant wave of difficult enemies, starting off with a pair of Spooky Valkyries.

What do you get for beating Kurt Zisa?

Kurt Zisa

HP MP rec
Gravity Stop Other
x0.02 x0 x0.5
When breaking an orb in Kurt Zisa’s hands (1) HP prize x15, (5) HP prize x5 Mega-Potion (8%), Mega-Ether (5%), Elixir (2%) When hitting the Reflect Barrier with a weapon (2) MP prize x5, (15) MP prize x1

How do you beat Sephiroth in kh1?


  1. Keep attacking, even if you don’t see his HP gauge go down.
  2. When he summons the explosion from the ground, if you look carefully, it rises in separate columns.
  3. Try to get Ultima Weapon before facing him.
  4. Remember to Cure yourself if your HP gets below 50%.

What level should I be to fight Sephiroth?

well, actually you are pretty underleveled to fight him right now, i mean you could, you would have maybe a little bit of trouble, but i’d say wait around level 55-60 than you’d be more of a proper match. If you were any higher, than sephiroth could be somewhat easier.

What level should you be to fight Sephiroth in kh1?

He’s basically a Dark Souls boss, with floaty Kingdom Hearts gameplay. It is possible to beat him at your level, but only if you have second chance and once more. Otherwise, you do need to level up more. As LiquidPhoenix has suggested, level 65 is a decent level to try it, regardless of your equipment.

Why is Sephiroth obsessed with cloud?

Sephiroth wants Cloud to bring the Black Materia to his true body in North Crater so he keeps messing with his mind to gain control of him.

Why did Zack Fair die?

Zack’s death, along with the combined trauma caused by the Nibelheim Incident and his mako poisoning, twists Cloud’s mind making him believe he was once a 1st class SOLDIER, that Zack’s actions in Nibelheim were his own and that he is now a mercenary.

Where is the leader of the Heartless in Traverse Town?

First, go to the Accessory Shop, run by Cid. Then, head up behind the shop into District 2, where the Heartless are on the prowl.

What do I do when I get to traverse town?

All you have to do is go to the alleyway from the second district, which is next to the fountain, and then the gizmo shop. To get to the gizmo shop walk along the path next to the hotel entrances and at the end of that path is the gizmo shop (its the big building with the bell tower in the second district).

How do you move the boxes in Traverse Town?

How do you move the boxes on the gizmo shop on top of the red trinity and..

  1. Use the red trinity mark on the bars in the alley to enter the Secret Waterway.
  2. Speak w/ leon and aerith in the waterway.
  3. Talk w/ cid in the acessory shop.

How do you ring the bell in Traverse Town?

Take the exit to the left of the clock. Go up the ladder right next to the entrance, fight the Heartless, and ring the bell 3 times.

Where do I go after locking Traverse Town?

After locking Wonderland and Deep Jungle (Olympus Coliseum isn’t necessary), go back to Traverse Town before moving on to the next world. Start off by going to the alleyway in the second district.

Where do you save in Traverse Town?

The save circle area in Traverse Town. Located directly next to fireplace in First District, Accessories shop.

Where is the secret waterway in Kingdom Hearts?

The Secret Waterway in Traverse Town.

How do you get Curaga in KHFM?

Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Curaga spell guide: Who to talk to in order to get the powerful healing magic. According to IGN, you can get Curaga by talking to Final Fantasy VII’s Aerith in the Hollow Bastion library, a portion of one of the game’s ending dungeons.