Where is saosin from?

Where is saosin from?

Orange County, CA

How is convert pronounced?

Word forms: converts, converting, convertedpronunciation note: The verb is pronounced (kənvɜrt ). The noun is pronounced (kɒnvɜrt ).

How do you say 18 in Spanish?

Label the animals, shapes, etc. in Spanish….

Number English (pronunciation) Spanish (pronunciation)
18 eighteen (ATE-teen) dieciocho (dee-AY-see-och-o)
19 nineteen (NINE-teen) diecinueve (dee-AY-see-new-EH-veh)

How do you say 17 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 11-20….French Numbers 11-20.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
17 dix-sept deese-set
18 dix-huit dees-wheet
19 dix-neuf dees-nurf
20 vingt vahn

How do you say 1000 in French?

When talking about “one hundred” or “one thousand” in French, we don’t say the “one”, we only say “cent” and “mille”. However when talking about “one million”, “one billion” we do say the one: “un million, un milliard”.

How do you say 80 in French?

French numbers really are quite simple to learn, in fact you only need to learn 30 or so numbers/words and you’ll have mastered all French numbers!…French Numbers.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
80 quatre-vingts ka-truh-vahn
81 quatre-vinght-un ka-truh-vahn-tay-ahn
90 quatre-vingt-dix ka-truh-vahn-deese

How do you say 37 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 31-40….French Numbers 31-40.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
36 trente-six trawnt-seese
37 trente-sept trawnt-set
38 trente-huit trawnt-wheet
39 trente-neuf trawnt-nurf

How do you say 30 in French?

Twenty-two is vingt-deux, thirty-four is trente-quatre, and sixty-seven is soixante-sept….Numbers in French: 21-69.

Number In French Pronunciation
28 vingt-huit van wheet
29 vingt-neuf van nuhf
30 trente tront
31 trente et un tront ay uh

How do you say 4 45 in French?

Il est is the only correct phrase for telling time. You cannot say c’est une heure….Telling time in French.

What time is it? Quelle heure est-il ?
It’s 4:45 Il est cinq heures moins le quart Il est quatre heures quarante-cinq 4h45
It’s 5:10 Il est cinq heures dix 5h10

How do you say 9 45 in French?

For example, 9:45 would be “dix heures moins le quart” or “neuf heures quarante-cinq.” As with “quart” and “demie,” the official grammar rule is that you don’t use this phrase after noon with the 24-hour clock.

How do you say 7 45 in French?

Le déjeuner est servi à 12.15 (douze heures quinze) et le diner à 19.45 (dix-neuf-heures quarante-cinq). (Lunch is served at 12:15, and dinner at 7:45.)

How do you say 10 30 in French?

The French translation for “half past ten (10:30)” is dix heures et demie.

How do you say 3 30 in French?

The French translation for “half past three (3:30)” is trois heures et demie. The French, trois heures et demie, can be broken down into 4 parts:”3 (three)” (trois), “hours; o’clock” (heures), “and” (et) and “half (feminine)” (demie).

How do you say 7/30 in French?

Il est sept heures et demie. (It’s 7:30.)

How do you say 27 in French?

Here are the French Numbers 21-30….French Numbers 21-30.

Number French Spelling Pronunciation
24 vingt-quatre vahn-katr
25 vingt-cinq vahn-sank
26 vingt-six vahn-seese
27 vingt-sept vahn-set