Where is Luciana in Galena?

Where is Luciana in Galena?

Luciana Galena is a fence in the Thieves Guild. She is also an Expert trainer in Light Armor. She can, rarely, be found in her home, which is located above the house for sale in Bravil. To get to her house, head south in Bravil and over the bridge towards The Archer’s Paradox.

Where is the fence in Bruma?

Ongar’s House is a small house situated southwest of the Great Chapel of Talos in Bruma. It is the home of the Nord Thieves Guild fence Ongar the World-Weary.

Where can I fence stolen goods in Oblivion?

Fence is the term used to describe a member of the Thieves Guild who will buy stolen property in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion….Crafting in Valheim – The Loop.

Fence Manheim Maulhand*
Gold Limit 50
Mercantile Skill 30
Specific Locations Inn of Ill Omen, Green Road in between Bravil and Imperial City

Where is the Thieves Guild oblivion?

Imperial City

Can you destroy the thieves guild?

Sadly, there is no quest to destroy the Thieves Guild in Skyrim.

Should I join the Thieves Guild in Oblivion?

There are several reasons why you would want to join the Thieves Guild. The first is that the only way to sell stolen property is through fences who are revealed as you progress through the guild ranks. The second is that you will be able to pay off your fines and bounties.

What order should I do the guilds in Oblivion?

in what order should i join the guilds???…User Info: eolsunder

  1. Go to Chorrol and join up with the mages guild and fighters guild.
  2. Join the arena.
  3. Join the thieves guild.
  4. Join the assassins last, since you’ll have to kill someone.

How do I convince Hieronymus Lex?

Once inside, place the statuette in “Myvryna’s Cupboard”, which is the cupboard nearest the door and next to her bed. Then speak with Hieronymus Lex, who at this point should be running around the huts on the Imperial Waterfront, and convince him to search Myvryna’s house.

Where is the Garden of Dareloth in Oblivion?

Garden of Dareloth is an unmarked location within the City Isle region. It is confined to the garden directly behind the Abandoned Shack on the Imperial City Waterfront.

Where is the GREY Fox in Oblivion?

Mercer Frey’s house

Where is Methredhel in Oblivion?

Methredhel is a Bosmer archer and Thieves Guild member who lives in her home in the Waterfront District of the Imperial City.

Where is Amantius Allectus diary?

To find Amantius Allectus’ home, simply ask a nearby beggar, or one can follow Methredhel, as she knows where it is. His home is in the Temple District. Travel to the southeastern section of the city and beat Methredhel there. Once the Hero enters, immediately look to the right and run for the desk; the diary is in it.

Where is Methredhel hiding in the Imperial City?

Talos Plaza District

Where can I buy Lockpicks in Oblivion?

the Thieves Guild

Can you get married in Oblivion?

You can now have a spouse in Oblivion. You can marry any race or gender. To get a Amulet Of Mara talk to Berilus Mona at the Bravil Chapel Of Mara and Bravil is where the wedding will be held. Only certain quest related NPCs can be married and you must complete the quest and complete it correctly to marry the NPC.

How do you get the unbreakable lockpick in Oblivion?

0. The Skeleton Key is an unbreakable lockpick that increases your Security skill by 40 points whenever the key is in your possession. You can receive this key by completing Nocturnal’s Daedric quest.

How often does Shady Sam get Lockpicks?

He has 30 lockpicks to sell at a time; if all of them are purchased, they will reappear the next day.

What are three takeaways you learned from playing Shady Sam?

What are three takeaways you learned from playing Shady Sam that will help you as a borrower in the future? Be specific. Three takeaways from this is …. ~Borrow what you can pay back ! ~Pay attention to interest , monthly payment and the time you have to pay it ! ~Don’t borrow from Just any place !

Where do I get the skeleton key in Oblivion?

The Skeleton Key is rewarded to the Hero after completing Nocturnal’s quest, received from speaking to her at the Shrine of Nocturnal. The Hero must be at least level 10 to activate this quest.

How do I join the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion?

How to join

  1. Kill Agronak gro-Malog (the Grey Prince) to complete his quest as well as the DB requirement.
  2. Kill a useless character, someone who isn’t quest related, such as S’rathad in the Talos district or the inhabitants of the Bravil Skooma Den.
  3. Kill someone who needs to be murdered in a later Dark Brotherhood quest.

Should I kill the Dark Brotherhood oblivion?

It is not necessary to kill them to complete the quest, though the Guardian will attack the Hero if they openly assault another Brotherhood member.

Who is the traitor in the Dark Brotherhood oblivion?

Mathieu Bellamont

Should I kill Cicero?

To kill him not only removes a back-up plan in preserving the next Listener (If the Dragonborn were to ever die or lose his status as Listener) He also loses the strict supervision of her corpse and coffin. Killing Cicero grants you access to his unique outfit and benefits, but loses on a pretty unique follower.

What happens if you kill Astrid instead of Cicero?

She kills everyone and almost kills you and Cicero. The punishment for breaking the Tenets according to Sithis in Oblivion is expulsion from the Dark Brotherhood or death. This is why you must kill her Cicero is the head of the Dark Brotherhood not her.

Do I have to kill Vittoria Vici?

If you drop the statue before Vittoria is on the balcony, it will alert the guards, and you will have to kill her using your weapons, which will gain you a bounty. If you get a bounty while killing Vittoria, you’ll be attacked and persecuted by imperial guards every time you go back to the city of Solitude.

Can you still join the Dark Brotherhood if you kill Astrid?

The short answer: No. The long answer: After you killed Astrid, you will subsequently failed the With Friends Like These.. quest and start another, Destroy the Brotherhood. In this quest, you will have to report to Commander Maro of the Legion special force, Penitus Oculatus, stationed in Dragon’s Bridge.