Where do I get Lidium in MapleStory?

Where do I get Lidium in MapleStory?

Purple veins will drop Lidium ore. Go to Ardentmill, go to the bottom-right-hand portal, and enter the expert-level mining field. Turning Lidium ore into Lidium will require a superior mold from Nack’s shop, and you need 6 ore per Lidium gem, so you’ll need 12 pieces of ore in total (unless you fail, knock on wood).

How do you get lithium in MapleStory?

Description: The ore of lithium that has formed in the sand. Available from: This item can be obtained from Jiyur’s Sister (Level 28 and above), A Proper Reward for a Good Deed (Level 27 and above) quest.

Where is Ardentmill?


How do you reduce fatigue in Maplestory?

There are 3 ways to lower Fatigue. First, your Fatigue drops by 20 every hour. Second, the Cash Shop has a Fatigue Potion which resets your Fatigue. Lastly, every reset or maintenance your Fatigue goes to 0 no matter where it was before.

How do you unlearn a profession in Maplestory?

After learning a profession, you can unlearn it through that profession’s master. Your level of mastery in that profession will return to zero if you choose to unlearn it. Herbalism allows you to gather seeds and flowers which are located in Saffron’s Secret Herb Patch in Ardentmill and some hunting maps.

What level is Meister Maplestory?

Once you reach Level 10 in Accessory Crafting, you can now begin to work towards Meister Craftsman level. At this point, all Accessory Crafting Items below level 100 will no longer give any Mastery. You will now need to craft specific items in order to gain Mastery.

How do you unlearn a mine?

If you go to your skill tab (press “K” in-game), and click on Mining, you will see a second progress bar for Mining at the bottom of the skill window. That’s where the circle with a slash is. Click on that, unlearn Mining.

How do I get primal essence?

Occasionally found from Heartstones, Gold Flowers, Mysterious Ore Veins, Mysterious Legendary Ore Veins, Mysterious Herbs, and Mysterious Legendary Herbs. Harvesting the following at a small chance: Heartstone. Gold Flower.

How do you get confusion fragments in Maplestory?

Confusion fragment is a etc item that drop by high level monsters like Arkarium and monsters on Stronghold maps.

How do I unlearn a profession in BFA?

The act itself is extremely simple – you open up your skill menu by pressing K, choose the profession you want to unlearn, then look for a red icon in the lower half of the window, one with a crossed out circle. It’s to the right of the profession’s description. Press it, and you’ll unlearn it instantly.

Can I unlearn a profession in wow classic?

You can unlearn a profession from your skills tab (the hotkey is k). To do so, click on the appropriate profession, and in the bottom part of the panel is a tiny icon that when moused over will tell you it lets you unlearn your profession.

Can you unlearn cooking in WOW?

Each character can have two primary professions and Archeology, Cooking, Fishing as your secondary professions. You do not need to unlearn it on your other characters to learn it on your desired character, though you cannot drop secondary professions anyway.

How do you unlearn a profession?

If you decide you no longer want one of your professions, you can unlearn it by going to the Skills tab in your Character Info page, selecting the profession, and clicking the unlearn button on the right-hand side of the bar.

What profession goes with enchanting?

Companion professions

Profession Recommended Companion Alternate Companion
Enchanting Tailoring Leatherworking
Engineering Mining
Inscription Herbalism
Jewelcrafting Mining

When can you learn professions in WoW Classic?

Primary Professions You must be level 35 to train Artisan level in building tradeskills. You may train this anytime you have 200 or more skill in the profession. You need to find a unique special trainer which is usually found in out of the way locales (not in cities). You may progress to 300 skill in the profession.

What profession makes most money WoW?

[Top 5] WoW BFA Best Professions For Massive Gold

  1. Alchemy.
  2. Herbalism.
  3. Enchanting.
  4. Tailoring. Tailoring continues to be very handy to this day, especially when used alongside Enchanting.
  5. Engineering. While this profession may be overlooked nowadays for its lack of uses, many miss the opportunity that lies with it.

Do I need to level professions before Shadowlands?

In Shadowlands, it does not matter what profession you had before, you start from a specific “skill level 1 – shadowlands”. You can pick whatever profession you want and still be on the same level as anyone else when starting shadowlands.

What professions should a mage have classic?

Other Classes and Races (and their best professions according to me)

  • Mage — Alchemy + Herbalism.
  • Paladin — Blacksmithing + Mining.
  • Priest — Enchanting + Tailoring.
  • Rogue — Engineering + Mining.

What profession should I choose Warlock classic?

Herbalism and Alchemy make for useful warlock professions because it’s always handy to have plenty of health, mana, and stat-boosting potions in your arsenal for fighting.

Which specialization is best for mage WoW?

Although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Frost as the best Mage leveling spec. Frost Mages have a lot of control from snares and roots and can easily kite mobs while having significant burst damage from using the triple damage component of Ice Lance to stay healthy.

What profession should I choose WoW Classic?


Who is the best Warlock in WoW?

Divine Inflame

What are good professions for a druid?

Nulgar said: As a player that doesn’t have a lot of characters yet, the best professions to have are the gathering ones, Herbalism, Skinning or Mining (you can pick up two) as selling their yield on the Auction House will give you enough gold to spend later on in your character’s life.

Which class is best for Hunter WoW?

Best Race for Horde Hunters. Troll is the best Classic WoW Horde Hunter race for PvE, while Orc or Tauren is the best Classic WoW Horde Hunter race for PvP. Horde Hunter will unfortunately not benefit as much from their faction’s unique class Shaman.

What hunter spec is best for leveling?

Beast Mastery clearly

What’s the best hunter pet for DPS?

Best DPS Pets for Marksmanship and Survival Hunters

  • Wolf. The wolf has been the unquestioned pet-of-choice throughout the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
  • Wasp. Wasps can potentially be the best overall DPS pet to bring along on heroics and raids.
  • Honorable Mentions.
  • Raptor.
  • Cat.
  • Devilsaur.
  • Wolf.
  • Honorable Mentions.

Is Hunter good in BFA?

Hunters Are Still a Powerhouse in Battle for Azeroth. Hunter is one of the most versatile classes in World of Warcraft and one of the easiest classes to master, making it a favorite for old and new players alike.

Is Beast Mastery better than marksmanship?

Marksman is scaled better than Beast mastery and can pull relatively better numbers, but requires more complex management, since beast master have all his skills exclusively instant cast, meaning as marskman you have to stand still for your aim shots, while BM can be on the run all the time.

Is marksman hunter good in Shadowlands?

Marksmanship Hunters are currently performing very well on Beta at the moment. Aside from adding Shadowlands systems such as Legendaries, Covenant abilities, and Conduits, not much has changed for Marksmanship Hunters outside of a few talent updates. The gameplay feels very similar to BFA in its current state.

What is the best hunter pet for PvP?

Chimaera. The Chimaera receives my highest recommendation as a top all-around pet for Beast Mastery PvP. For one, it has what I’d consider to be thee best pet special of any pet. Chimaeras possess an ability called Froststorm Breath, which not only deals ranged damage, but also slows its target by 50% for 5 seconds.