
Where can I find old ceramic tiles?

Where can I find old ceramic tiles?

Your local Re-Store or salvage yard is an excellent place to look for vintage replacement tile as they will often have small amounts of tile that were leftover from a job or carefully removed from a vintage bathroom.

Will Home Depot cut ceramic tile for you?

Tile Saw Rental Whether you need a manual tile cutter or small tile saw for a smaller ceramic tile job or a medium to large tile saw to cut hard material like porcelain or natural stone quickly and efficiently, we’ll have the right cutting tool on hand.

What kind of blade Do I need to cut porcelain tile?

diamond blade

Can you sand down porcelain tile?

As long as the porcelain remains wet, a person can use various fine grades of sandpaper. Yes, sandpaper. You must remember to use very fine-grit sandpaper, and the porcelain must remain wet at all times. As long as the porcelain is wet, the sandpaper will “float” on the surface and will not scratch it.

Can you use sandpaper on ceramic tile?

Sand the ceramic tiles with 220-grit sandpaper. Sanding should be done especially if the tiles were installed more than 50 years ago. You can choose to paint the ceramic tiles after you sand them as well. Do not use 400-grit sandpaper immediately after you have used 80-grit sandpaper.

How do you rough up porcelain tile?

How to Rough Up Glazed Tile

  1. Clean the tile surface with a degreaser cleanser specifically formulated to strip off wax or grease from the tile surface.
  2. Insert a piece of 220-grit grit sandpaper on an orbital sander.
  3. Begin sanding a corner of the tile, moving the sander in small, circular motions over the surface.

Can I grind porcelain tile?

Porcelain tile is a beautiful way to enhance your home. You will need special equipment that includes an angle grinder and porcelain grinding bit. The process is similar to polishing stone and other natural tiles.

How do you smooth rough edges on porcelain tile?

Try a white ” rub brick / rub stone ” from your local tile supply shop. It works kinda like sandpaper and wood. Keep it clean and wet as you “stone” the edges,,,gently though.

Can you use sandpaper on porcelain?

As long as the porcelain remains wet, a person can use various fine grades of sandpaper. Yes, sandpaper. You must remember to use very fine-grit sandpaper, and the porcelain must remain wet at all times. As long as the porcelain is wet, the sandpaper will “float” on the surface and will not scratch it.

What do you use to sand ceramic tile?

Use an orbital sander and sandpaper with a fine grit. 220 grit is recommended to sand ceramic tiles. This will take the glaze off the tile but still leave the surface smooth. The sanding needs to be a slow and careful process.