Common questions

Where can I find Nuzleaf in Emerald?

Where can I find Nuzleaf in Emerald?

Game locations

Ruby Route 114
Emerald Route 114
FireRed LeafGreen Trade
Colosseum Trade
XD Evolve Seedot

When should I evolve Nuzleaf in Emerald?

Yup,you should definitley wait until your Nuzleaf is Lv. 49 so that it learns these 3 good moves,especially just for the move Extrasensory,Because it offers good damage to most Pokemon.

How do you evolve Nuzleaf in Emerald?

Find and select the Leaf Stone from your inventory list, and once you’ve found it, press the “A” button to use it. Select Nuzleaf to evolve it. After pressing “A,” your current party will be displayed on the screen. Select Nuzleaf from the list, and press the “A” button to confirm using the Leaf Stone on it.

Who is Shiftry weak against?

It’s Weak to Bug, Flying, Fairy and more Type Moves. However, it will take less damage from and is resistant to Electric, , Grass, Dark and more Type Moves.

Is Shiftry good for PvP?

The best moveset for Shiftry in Pokemon GO for PvP is Snarl for the quick attack and Leaf Blade for the charged attack. A Shiftry with Snarl and Leaf Blade will deal out more damage than a Shiftry with any other move combination, making it particularly useful in PvP.

Is Absol rare in Emerald?

It’s considered “rare” (in all the games it shows up naturally in) so you’re just going to have to keep looking and looking. Rare means you rarely see it. There aren’t any tricks to making one show up, unfortunately, if that’s what you’re asking for.

Is Absol good in emerald?

Absol is a good Pokemon, especially ingame in which its forgetable speed isn’t much of a problem and its movepool and ATtack stat is a great asset. Torkoal should be removed for Absol if you decide to add it in. It’s unfortunate that Absol doesn’t have the Physical-Special split in Gen 3.

Which is the strongest dark type Pokemon?

The 15 Best Dark Type Pokemon

  1. 1 Umbreon. Umbreon is not only a popular dark type, but one of the most popular Pokémon in general.
  2. 2 Absol. Absol is a big fan favorite, despite its name as a ‘disaster Pokémon’.
  3. 3 Yveltal.
  4. 4 Tyranitar.
  5. 5 Darkrai.
  6. 6 Hydreigon.
  7. 7 Bisharp.
  8. 8 Houndoom.

Where can I find Nuzleaf in Emerald?

Where can I find Nuzleaf in Emerald?

Game Location
Ruby Route 114
Sapphire Trade from Ruby/Emerald/XD
Emerald Route 114

Where is Seedot located?

Seedot Locations in Pokemon Sword and Shield A popular spawn location you can find Seedot is in the West Lake Axewell area with a 60% chance to spawn during Overcast weather. Seedot is a Pokemon Sword Exclusive Pokemon and can only be found within the Sword Version of the game.

How do you get to Rustboro city in Pokemon Emerald?

After going through Route 104 and the Petalburg Woods, you reach Rustboro City, where the Roxanne’s Rock-type Gym awaits.E

What moves does Seedot learn in Emerald?

Moves learnt by level up

Lv. Move Type
3 Harden Normal
7 Growth Normal
13 Nature Power Normal
21 Synthesis Grass

Is Seedot good emerald?

I’d go with Seedot personally. It’s not that great at the beginning, but once you level it up and get it some moves, maybe even make it a Nuzleaf, it gets a lot better, and as a Shiftry, it’s even better.Kh

Is there a way to get seedot in Emerald?

Accepted Answer. In Emerald, it will be a while until you can get a Seedot. If I’m correct, in Emerald, you must beat the Elite Four and wait for the TV to say that there is a swarm of Seedot in a certain route.

What kind of Pokemon is seedot in Pokemon Crystal?

Seedot is a Grass type Pokémon introduced in Generation 3. It is known as the Acorn Pokémon. 1. Chlorophyll 2. Early Bird The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon.

How does seedot attach itself to a tree?

Seedot attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this Pokémon’s body becomes. Alpha Sapphire. Seedot looks exactly like an acorn when it is dangling from a tree branch.

What’s the base friendship value of a seedot?

In Generations 3-7, Seedot has a base Friendship value of 70. SEEDOT attaches itself to a tree branch using the top of its head. It sucks moisture from the tree while hanging off the branch. The more water it drinks, the glossier this POKéMON’s body becomes.