Where can I find Mikael in Skyrim?

Where can I find Mikael in Skyrim?

the inn, The Bannered Mare

How do you get Carlotta to marry you in Skyrim?

In order to marry Carlotta and adopt Mila, the Dragonborn must talk to Mikael on Carlotta’s behalf and become a thane of Whiterun. Then put on an Amulet of Mara and talk to Carlotta wearing it.

Who is Hulda Skyrim?

Hulda is a Nord innkeeper and the owner of The Bannered Mare in Whiterun.

Can you marry Hulda Skyrim?

is marrying hulda possible? No you can’t marry her (unless you have a PC and use mods or console commands).

Can you marry a female khajiit in Skyrim?

It’s not about interracial(which is in the game as a male Khajiit can marry a female Dunmer or a male Dunmer can marry a female Argonian, both because of certain books), but rather that Khajiit can’t marry Khajiit and Bosmer can’t marry Bosmer, as well as those 2 lacking a marriageable person of either gender.

Can khajiit become vampires?

The ability to become a vampire is based on contracting a Sanguinare Vampiris, a disease to which the Khajiit have no more immunity than any other race, which is to say none. The ability to become a Vampire Lord is by pact with Molag Bal.

What happens if serana makes you a vampire?

If you allow Serana to turn you into a Vampire Lord, you can enter without being harmed. The non-vampiric alternative is to allow Serana to perform a partial soul trap ritual on you. This will weaken you inside the Soul Cairn, but you will remain human and alive.

Is it good to become a vampire in Skyrim?

It really depends on how you want to play, if you want to be overpowered but don’t totally care about role playing that isn’t role playing as an evil character. But if you just care about pure stats and nothing else, yes becoming a vampire is worth it.

Can you keep serana as a follower?

Serana is an ancient pure-blood vampire and the daughter of Lord Harkon and Valerica. She is known as one of the “Daughters of Coldharbour,” and because of this she is central to the main questline in Dawnguard. After being encountered, she can be recruited as a follower, unlocking a multitude of interactions.

How old is serana?

How old is Serana and what era was she born in? We all know that Serana is a nord. Nords have an average lifespan of 80 to 120 years without magic. Serana looks to be in her mid to late 20’s maybe early 30’s during the events of Dawnguard.

Is serana a Vampire Lord?

Serana is a Vampire Lord, and she is a very powerful character both in terms of intelligence and in her magical abilities.

How old was serana when she became a vampire?

about 5,000 years

How did Harkon become a vampire?

Harkon became a pure-blooded vampire through a pact with Molag Bal where he sacrificed 1000 lives in order to gain the gift, but does that mean that males in general have to make deals or great deeds in order to achieve pure-blood status? We have the Volkihar clan, an ancient order of self-proclaimed ‘royal’ Vampires.

Is the Dragonborn a pure blood vampire?

The question was if the Dragonborn was a Pure-blooded vampire. The answer was no. The end.

Can you kill Molag Bal?

Attack Logrolf (any means of attacking can be used; the Mace does not have to be used) until he submits to Molag Bal. He will be killed during the first time beating him, but Molag Bal will give the Dragonborn a second chance. Once he submits, the Dragonborn is instructed to kill him.

Why did Molag Bal create vampires?

One legend claims that Molag Bal created the first vampire when he raped a Nedic virgin named Lamae Beolfag, who in turn slaughtered a group of nomads. He has also made pacts with mortals and bestowed the gift of vampirism upon them.