Where can I find Houndour?

Where can I find Houndour?

Houndour can typically be found around rough terrain.

How do you get scizor in Pokemon Emerald?

In this game, you can catch a Scyther in the Safari Zone or by purchasing one at the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City. If you purchase the pokemon, it’s at level 25 and costs 5500 coins.

What Pokemon can you catch in Emerald Safari Zone?

Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald

  • Oddish (Level 25-29)
  • Pikachu (Level 25-27)
  • Wobbuffet (Level 27-29)
  • Gloom (Level 25)
  • Girafarig (Level 25-27)
  • Doduo (Level 25)
  • Natu (Level 25)
  • Psyduck (Level 20-35)

Is Girafarig good emerald?

It has decent enough base stats, and a good move pool for a special sweeper (Psychic, Thunderbolt, Crunch), and decent defenses.

Can you get both bikes in Emerald?

Yes, it is possible to get both the Mach Bike and Acro Bike at the same time. First, you need to show the Mach Bike to the Hex Maniac in the desert of Route 111. Next, you need to show the Acro Bike to a Bird Keeper in the area that requires the Acro Bike at Route 119, you will need Surf and Waterfall.

Which bike in Emerald is better?

Mach Bike

Which bike is better Mach or acro Emerald?

The mach bike is useful for getting to places quicker and hatching eggs, while the acro bike is just a slower version of the mach bike. definitely go for the mach bike.

How do you jump on the bike in Pokemon Emerald?


  1. Hold B Button (less than 2 seconds): standing wheelie.
  2. Hold B Button (more than 2 seconds): bunny hop.
  3. Hold B, then +Control Pad: moving wheelie or bunny hop.
  4. Press B and +Control Pad direction (perpendicular to direction of travel) simultaneously: sideways hop.

How do you get the acro bike in Pokemon Emerald?

The Acro Bike and Mach Bike are available to you the instant you visit the bike shop in Mauville City. However, you can only use one bike at a time. You are able to switch to the other bike, but you will have to travel all the way back to Mauville City to do this.

How do you break the rocks in Pokemon Emerald?

Use Route 110 after Slateport City to get to Mauville City. Head to the right of the Poke Mart to find the Rock Smash Guy’s house. It’s the house directly to the right of the Poke Mart, across the path. After asking you to call him a new name, he’ll give you HM06 Rock Smash.

How do you get across the white bridge in Pokemon Emerald?

Press the direction button that points towards the turn and click the wheely/hop button at the same time to hop across the gap.

How can I get Coin Case in Pokemon Emerald?

Find a yellow looking house on the left side of the Pokemart. Head inside and talk to the lady. When the lady is finished talking, hand her over the Harbor Mail. In return, the lady will give you the Coin Case.

What TM is flamethrower in Emerald?

2 Answers. All three moves can be found in the Mauville City Game Corner for 4,000 coins. Whilst, TM13 Ice Beam can also be found in the Abandoned Ship Storage Room, and TM24 Thunderbolt can be found when switching off the Mauville Power Generator. TM35 Flamethrower doesn’t have a secondary location.

What TM is ice beam in Emerald?

Ice beam, Go a bit south from slateport, and then head west. Keep going until you find a ship. Go on and you’ll show up on the side. Go inside and follow the ladders and go in all the cabins and beat all the trainers.

What does harbor mail do in Emerald?

Used to send short messages to other players via Pokémon trading. Trainer may compose a message from a finite list of words when giving this item to a Pokémon. Once taken and read, a message may be erased and this item can be reused, or the message may be stored in the trainer’s PC.

How do you get out of Slateport city in Pokemon Emerald?

  1. Route 109. When Mr. Briney stops the ship, you start in Route 109.
  2. Explore Slateport. You can do a lot here.
  3. Deliver the Goods. Go east and find the building with ships next to it.
  4. Go North. Now that you fought the Team Aqua/Magma Grunts, you can use the north exit of town to go to Route 110.

How do you get to granite cave in Pokemon Emerald?

Granite Cave is northwest of Dewford Town. You will go through Route 106 to get there. You’ll pass by a couple of fishermen: Fisherman Ned, who has a level 12 Tentacool (level 11 in Emerald), and Fisherman Elliot, who has two level 11 Magikarp (level 10 in Emerald) and one level 8 Tentacool (level 7 in Emerald).

Is Sableye good in emerald?

In a select few games, Sableye is a good temporary choice for your team. In Sapphire, Emerald, and Alpha Sapphire (you can’t find it in Ruby or Omega Ruby, you get Mawile instead), Sableye can be found in Granite Cave.

Is Aggron a good Pokemon in Emerald?

Aggron is a neat Pokemon with good stat distribution and a good movepool–it is just hampered by two terrible 4x weaknesses to very common attack types. Since they’ve become stronger since your last encounter, they’ll give some good EXP.

Does Sableye evolve?

Sableye is a Dark/Ghost-type Pokémon and #294 in the Galar Pokédex for Pokémon Sword & Shield. Sableye does not evolve.

Is Sableye a legendary?

Sableye (Japanese: ヤミラミ Yamirami) is a Psychic-type Basic Pokémon card. It is part of the Legendary Treasures expansion….Sableye (Legendary Treasures 61)

Expansion Legendary Treasures
Japanese card no. 004/016

What is best against Sableye?

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Sableye are:

  • Gardevoir,
  • Togekiss,
  • Granbull,
  • Sylveon,
  • Kyurem (Black).

What is Dragon weak against?



Where can I find Houndour?

Where can I find Houndour?

Houndour can typically be found around rough terrain.

Where can you find Aipom in Pokemon Emerald?

It lives atop tall trees….

Game Location
Sapphire Trade from Emerald/Colosseum
Emerald Safari Zone Extentions 1 & 2 & Altering Cave
FireRed Altering Cave

What fire types are in Pokemon Emerald?

Back to List by Original Typings

Hoenn # Name Type I
#104 Magcargo Fire
#105 Torkoal Fire
#153 Vulpix Fire
#154 Ninetales Fire

Where can I find Teddiursa in Emerald?

A TEDDIURSA makes its own honey by blending fruits and pollen collected by BEEDRILL….

Game Location
Emerald Safari Zone Extention & Altering Cave
FireRed Altering Cave
LeafGreen Altering Cave

How early can you get Houndour?

1 Answer. You can find houndour on route 7 at night (Lv. 15) and also at the safari zone near Cianwood city Once you have completed 2 Challenges for Baoba (catch a geodude then catch a sandshrew) and you have the national dex. It will appear in the Savannah area once you have 4 forest Items placed.

Is Houndour rare?

Houndour – 24/75 – Rare Unlimited.

Does Aipom evolve in fire red?

Aipom (Japanese: エイパム Eipam) is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II. It evolves into Ambipom when leveled up while knowing Double Hit….Game locations.

Ruby Sapphire Trade, Event
FireRed LeafGreen Trade, Event
Colosseum Shadow PKMN Lab (Shadow)
XD Trade

Is Houndoom in Emerald?

In a HOUNDOOM pack, the one with its horns raked sharply towards the back serves a leadership role….

Game Location
Sapphire Trade from Emerald/Colosseum/XD
Emerald Evolve Houndour
FireRed Trade from Emerald/Colosseum/XD

What level does Houndour evolve?

level 24
Houndoom is the evolved form of Houndour. Houndour will evolve into this Pokémon once it reaches level 24.

Where is altering cave in Emerald?

Route 103
In Emerald, in the Hoenn region, it is found on Route 103 on the east bank of the inlet that passes through the center of the route. However, unlike in in FireRed and LeafGreen, the cave appears only after the player makes it to the Hall of Fame.

Is it possible to catch a Houndour on Emerald?

Actually once you beat the Elite 4 and get the national pokedex you can go into the newly expanded safari zone. And in the rocks you might be able to catch one. Yeah, you can catch Houndour in the Safari Zone AFTER you beat the Elite Four. Yes , there is a way to get houndour on Emerald.Have you beat the Pokemon Leauge yet?

What kind of Pokemon is a Houndour in Pokemon platinum?

Houndour is a Dark / Fire type Pokémon introduced in Generation 2. It is known as the Dark Pokémon.

How does a Houndour work in a pack?

HOUNDOUR hunt as a coordinated pack. They communicate with each other using a variety of cries to corner their prey. This POKéMON’s remarkable teamwork is unparalleled. To corner prey, they check each other’s location using barks that only they can understand.

What’s the base experience yield of a Houndour?

In Generations 2-4, Houndour has a base experience yield of 114. In Generation 2, Houndour has a base Friendship value of 70. It uses different kinds of cries for communicating with others of its kind and for pursuing its prey. To corner prey, they check each other’s location using barks that only they can understand.