Where can I find double talkers in Toontown?

Where can I find double talkers in Toontown?


  • Loopy Lane.
  • Silly Street.
  • Lighthouse Lane.
  • Maple Street.
  • Tenor Terrace.
  • Polar Place.
  • Lullaby Lane.

Where are cold callers in Toontown rewritten?

Cold Callers appear very commonly on the streets of low-level playgrounds, such as Toontown Central and Daisy Gardens, but they can also appear in low-level Cog Buildings, as well as the earlier rooms of the Sellbot Factory and the first round of the Sellbot Towers boss battle.

What does glad hander mean?

Save This Word! An excessively friendly or familiar person: “A glad-hander like Patterson offends more people than he charms.”

Is Gladhand a word?

glad hand or glad-hand noun: A hearty welcome or greeting, often insincere.

Where are ambulance chasers in Toontown rewritten?


  • Lighthouse Lane.
  • Maple Street.
  • Tenor Terrace.
  • Polar Place.
  • Lullaby Lane.
  • Cog building.

Where are Sellbots in Toontown rewritten?

Sellbots are generally located at Elm Street and Oak Street in Daisy Gardens or Alto Avenue in Minnie’s Melodyland.

Where can I find cogs Toontown?

Cogs: locations and placements

  1. Cold callers – Levels 1-5 : You’ll usually find them in parks such as Toontown Central, Daisy Gardens, Minnie melody land, sell bot HQ.
  2. Short change – Levels 1-5: Silly street, Seaweed street, Alto Avenue, Baritone Boulevard, punchline place, Cash bot HQ (The CFO battle), +1 Cash bot buildings.
  3. Law bots…

What is the cog gallery for in Toontown?

The cog gallery is a page in the Shticker Book. It showcases the corporate ladder of each type of cog. Each portrait consists of the cog’s name and the number indicating how many of the cog is defeated until the number has reached its maxed.

Where are short changes in Toontown?

Short Changes are the strongest cogs at the bottom of the cog corporate ladder, because their Bounce Check can do a maximum of 11 damage. On the trading card, their skin color is different as it is green on the card but aqua blue in-game.

Where can I find a name dropper in Toontown?

Daisy Gardens

What does ready for promotion mean in Toontown?

Once a Toon has obtained enough for that disguise, the bar will say “Ready for promotion!” and they can then partake in a boss battle run. After defeating the boss, the Toon’s disguise will obtain a promotion.

How do you get merits in Toontown?

To earn merits, you can defeat the Sellbot Factory, defeat Cog Buildings, or anything that allows you to defeat Sellbots. You get merits equal to half the level of the Sellbot you destroy, except in the Factory, where you get quadruple the amount you’d normally get.

How do you get a Lawbot disguise?

To get this disguise, Toons must complete ToonTasks given by Professor Flake, one task for each of the 14 disguise parts. To start these tasks, the Toon must have at least completed the Cashbot Cog Disguise, a Gag Pouch of size 80, and the ability to carry 250 jellybeans.