When would you use sterile gloves?

When would you use sterile gloves?

They are required for any invasive procedure and when contact with any sterile site, tissue, or body cavity is expected (PIDAC, 2012). Sterile gloves help prevent surgical site infections and reduce the risk of exposure to blood and body fluid pathogens for the health care worker.

Which sterile glove do you put on first?

Wipe the outside of the rubber gloves with an antibacterial wipe or a cloth soaked in disinfectant. However, do not use alcohol to sanitize as it will increase the chances of tearing the rubber. Hang them to dry before reuse. Follow this method as an alternative to washing with soap and warm water.

Why must you perform a surgical scrub before donning sterile gloves?

Apply the rub thoroughly prior to donning the sterile gown and sterile gloves. Once the surgical hand scrub is complete, prevent contamination of the hands and forearms when moving from the scrub sink to the sterile table by keeping the hands in front of the body and above the waist.

What is the difference between sterile and non sterile gloves?

It is important to note that non-sterile gloves are typically used for non-surgical medical procedures and examinations. Sterile gloves are used to carry out surgical procedures. One of the main differences between non-sterile and sterile gloves is the AQL or the acceptable quality level of pinholes.

How do you wear sterile gloves?

When an indication for hand hygiene follows a contact that has required gloves, hand rubbing or hand washing should occur after removing gloves. When an indication for hand hygiene applies while the health-care worker is wearing gloves, then gloves should be removed to perform handrubbing or handwashing.

What are the sterile techniques?

Sterile technique is a set of specific practices and procedures performed to make equipment and areas free from all microorganisms and to maintain that sterility (BC Centre for Disease Control, 2010).

Do you need sterile gloves for wound care?

In acute care, sterile gloves were used more than non-sterile for packing wounds, in cases of purulence or tunneling, or for open orthopedic wounds. Clean gloves were used for dressing changes of intact surgical wounds and pressure ulcers.

What are non sterile gloves used for?

Non-sterile gloves are single use and should be applied: Before an aseptic procedure. When anticipating contact with blood or body fluid, non-intact skin, secretions, excretions, mucous membranes, or equipment/environmental surfaces contaminated with the above blood or body fluids.