When should I top dress my lawn?

When should I top dress my lawn?

The right time of the year to top dress your lawn You must top dress in the growing season, NOT in winter. It is usually best to top dress in spring or as soon as you have reached your regular weekly mow. The earlier in the growing season the better. Generally late spring to early summer is best.

What is the best top dressing for lawns?

The Best Materials for Topdressing In some cases, commercial compost is blended with soil or sand to make it more affordable and easier to spread, but be sure the added soil is compatible with the soil of your lawn.

Can I put topsoil over existing lawn?

You can add topsoil to an existing lawn — and in some cases, you should. Adding a layer of topsoil to your lawn is called "topdressing," and it's a technique you can use to improve the look of your grass. It's important you prepare correctly and choose the right type of soil for a great-looking lawn.

Will grass grow through top dressing?

Top dressing is the process of spreading a thin layer of material (usually compost or sand) over your lawn, or sections of your lawn. This layer is only about a 1/4″ and is meant to amend the soil of your lawn while letting the existing grass grow through the top dressing material.