When did Nathaniel Hawthorne marry?

When did Nathaniel Hawthorne marry?

July 9, 1842 (Sophia Hawthorne)

Why did Hawthorne write The Scarlet Letter?

Hawthorne’s purpose for writing The Scarlet Letter was so he could reveal the life and hypocrisy of the Puritan communities back in those days. He implies that back then in the stiff and stubborn society, many humans were wrongfully sentenced and blamed for all types of sin.

What is the moral of the scarlet letter?

Description: The Scarlet Letter which appeared in 1850 deals with a moral theme. It is first of all concerned with moral guilt and sin. He also realizes that he is doubly a sinner in so far as he continues to conceal his sin; therefore, his sense of sin not only weighs, but preys upon his mind ceaselessly.

What happened to Pearl at the end of the scarlet letter?

In a rather ironic ending, Pearl, the “elf-child” becomes the most human in the final scaffold scene. Having inherited property from Chillingworth, she has become the “richest heiress of her day, in the New World.” With such riches, she may have married well, but her mother has taken her away to Europe.

Does Dimmesdale kill himself?

Dimmesdale cannot bear the hypocrisy of preaching to his congregation after committing such a serious sin, but he cannot reveal himself either, because Hester does not want him to. Forced to keep his sin a secret, his guilt eats him alive, making him ill. Moments after his confession, he dies in Hester’s arms.

How old is Pearl when Dimmesdale dies?

seven years

Why does Pearl finally kiss Dimmesdale?

So, when Dimmesdale kisses Pearl, he truthfully acknowledges her as his daughter; therefore, Pearl kisses him in like recognition as she ceases to be a symbol of her parents’ adultery and becomes human, in acceptance and forgiveness of Dimmesdale, and in weeping human tears for the first time in the narrative.

Why is Pearl called the Elf child?

Pearl is therefore repeatedly referred to as an “elf” or “elf-child” because of the way in which she is so different from other children.

Why does Pearl seem not to be a human child?

Why does Pearl not seem to be a human child? She seemed like a fairy that, after play it’s tricks for a while on the cottage floor would flit away with a mocking smile.

Why does Hester dress pearl so nicely?

Just as the scarlet “A” that Hester is forced to wear is turned by her skill with the needle into a symbol of beauty and finery, so Pearl, the illegitimate child of an illicit and unlawful union, is a figure of beauty and is arrayed in all finery by her mother.

Why does pearl not recognize her mother?

In The Scarlet Letter, Pearl doesn’t recognize her mother because Hester has removed the scarlet letter and put her hair down. Having resolved to leave America and start a new life in Europe with Dimmesdale, Hester has finally felt confident enough to rid herself of the public symbol of her shame.

Who does Chillingworth blame for Hester’s sin?

Chillingworth blames himself for Hester’s sin because he thinks that it was foolish of him to think that he could have someone as beautiful as Hester. Several revelations in this chapter paint Chillingworth in an undeniably sympathetic way.

Why did Hester take off the scarlet letter?

For Hester, to remove the scarlet letter would be to acknowledge the power it has in determining who she is. Hester chooses to continue to wear the letter because she is determined to transform its meaning through her actions and her own self-perception—she wants to be the one who controls its meaning.

Why does Hester marry Chillingworth?

In The Scarlet Letter, Chillingworth married Hester because he hoped to find some happiness in married life, and she was young and beautiful. He had lived a pretty lonely and solitary existence for most of his years, and he longed for the happiness that he saw so many others enjoy.

Who is the most evil character in The Scarlet Letter?

Roger Chillingworth

How did Dimmesdale get the A on his chest?

He discovers that Dimmesdale, out of the guilt and sadness he feels from what occurs with Hester, has carved a letter “A” on his chest. This act of self-mutilation is essentially his own way to “share” the pain of Hester’s humiliation.

What is the secret of Hester Prynne?

Hester’s secret sin was revealed to everyone in town, which kept it from being able to eat her up inside. Rather than avoid the past, she instead attempts to complete tasks in an effort to seek forgiveness. Hester’s behavior is not unlike Mr.

Who is the father of Hester Prynne’s baby?

Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale Dimmesdale

How does Dimmesdale die?

In The Scarlet Letter, Dimmesdale dies because his body is simply wearing out and giving out, likely as a result of the terrible guilt that he has endured for seven years.

Why does Hester keep Chillingworth’s secret?

Why does Hester agree to keep Chillingworth’s identity a secret? She only accepts to do it perhaps out of fear, or because she knows that disclosing this information would make matters worse for everybody involved.

How does Hester make a living?

Hester works as a seamstress. It is ironic that the only “public sinner” in their town creates beauty for all. Hester becomes a seamstress. Her strong sewing skills allow her to make her living.

What does Chillingworth give Pearl?

Back in her prison cell, Hester is in a state of nervous frenzy, and Pearl writhes in painful convulsions. That evening, when Roger Chillingworth enters Hester’s prison cell, she fears his intentions, but he gives Pearl a draught of medicine that eases the child’s pain almost immediately, and she falls asleep.