When can you stop Sterilising babies bottles?

When can you stop Sterilising babies bottles?

It's best to continue sterilising your baby's bottles until she's at least a year old. Babies are vulnerable to the germs that cause diarrhoea and vomiting. These germs can develop very easily in milk. Bottles and teats have nooks and crannies that milk can collect in.

How do you dry bottles after sterilizing?

Drip dry. Many parents leave freshly sterilized baby bottles to dry on a specially designed rack, or a regular dish drying rack. Although, we're not against this method, the process can be time consuming and your drying rack will also have to be sterilized often. Towel dry – Not Recommended.

What happens if you don’t Sterilise baby bottles?

As if you didn't already have enough to do as a new mum or dad, sterilising your baby's feeding equipment is one of those little jobs there's no getting away from. Forgetting to properly clean and sterilise your baby's feeding equipment can lead to tummy upset, diarrhoea and an unhappy baby and mother.

How often should I sterilize baby bottles?

How Often to Sterilize Baby Bottles. Parents should clean their baby's bottles immediately after every feeding to prevent a build-up of germs and bacteria.

Do I need to dry bottles after sterilizing?

Any water left inside the bottles after sterilisation is sterile and won't collect germs so there's no need to dry. In fact wiping the inside of a bottle after sterilisation could even add germs, so it's best not to.

How long do bottles stay sterile?

It's important to make sure that there is no air trapped inside the containers. The equipment should be sterile after half an hour and can safely be left in the solution for up to 24 hours. You will need to change the solution daily and remember to wash your hands before removing the sterilised items.

How do you store baby bottles for next baby?

Next, take stock of your cabinets and decide which items go where. Measure your cabinets and bottles before buying storage containers, so they fit inside your space and hold all your supplies. Then, bring a small tape measure, or keep the measurements handy while shopping online or in store.

How do you store baby bottles after sterilizing?

Shake off excess solution before using, but don't rinse the equipment. There's no need to dry the equipment. Store equipment in one of the following ways: in a clean, sealed container in the fridge, or in the solution. If you store equipment in the fridge, use it within 24 hours of sterilisation.

Is it bad to sterilize baby bottles in the microwave?

Never put your baby feeding equipment directly into the microwave to sterilize it; not only will it not effectively sterilize your bottles and teats, but it will likely damage them as well. You should also ensure you never microwave metal items inside a microwave sterilizer.

Can babies get sick from dirty bottles?

The mold, mildew, and bacteria that breed in moist areas could make your baby sick. DON'T WORRY ABOUT…“unsterilized” baby bottles, nipples, and pacifiers. In other words, there's no need to de-germ these with pricey equipment or even by boiling them on top of the stove.